Home Recipe to Control Asthma Attacks

The Home Recipe to Control Asthma Attacks  is a great healthy and completely natural recipe option. In addition, asthma  affects people of any age. Most cases, however, are diagnosed in childhood and it is common to manifest in people from the same family.

When the bronchioles become inflamed, they secrete more mucus which increases the respiratory problem. In Asthma , exhaling is more difficult than inhaling, as the stale air remains in the lungs causing a feeling of suffocation.

Asthma has no cure, it is not transmitted from person to person, nor is it passed from parent to child, however, children of an asthmatic are more likely to develop asthma at any stage of life.

In Brazil, the data are no less alarming when it comes to Asthma . At least 20 million Brazilians suffer from the disease and about 2,000 deaths are recorded every year. Asthma is also an important cause of hospitalizations in the Unified Health System (SUS) . Data from the Ministry of Health reveal about 350 thousand hospital admissions per year, via SUS, due to complications related to the disease.

Causes of Asthma:  No one knows exactly what causes Asthma , as each person has a sensitivity to different triggers. Therefore, it is important to understand what causes your asthma attacks and try to reduce exposure to these agents or seek more appropriate treatments. Here are the most common Asthma triggers :

  • Night Asthma: If you have Asthma , watch if your symptoms get worse as the night progresses.
  • Health Conditions That Can Mimic Asthma: A variety of conditions can cause some of the same symptoms as asthma .
  • Occupational Asthma: Occupational Asthma is a type of Asthma that results from work triggers.
  • Temperature Changes: Temperature shock is a very aggressive change for those who have the most sensitive airways.
    Food: Food allergies can cause asthma attacks .
  • Medications: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications can trigger asthma attacks .
    Substances and Allergens: About 80% of people with Asthma experience attacks when exposed to an airborne substance.
  • Exercise-Induced Asthma: It is a type of Asthma triggered by exercise or physical exertion.

Asthma Symptoms:  Asthma causes the following symptoms:

  • Cough _
  • Wheezing or wheezing in the chest;
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing;
  • Anxiety ;
  • Feeling that the air does not reach the lungs;
  • Feeling of tightness in the chest or heavy chest.

Baby Asthma Symptoms: Baby  Asthma symptomsare the same as adults, but the baby may show it differently. The baby may have:

  • May have a cough with little phlegm, especially at night;
  • Difficulty breathing and crying because of this;

When the baby has these symptoms, parents can put their ear to the baby’s chest or back to check if they hear any noise, which can be similar to the breathing of cats, and then inform the pediatrician so that he can make the diagnosis and indicate the appropriate treatment. .

Signs of Severity of an Asthma Attack:  Some patients, in addition to having moderate to severe persistent asthma , may also have severe acute attacks of asthma , requiring prompt medical attention. Signs of the severity of an asthma attack include:

  • Intense sweating ;
  • Great effort to breathe;
  • Difficulty speaking;
  • Anxiety Crisis ;
  • Reduced consciousness or mental confusion.
  • Clear use of chest, abdominal or neck muscles during breathing;
  • Purple or bluish lips;
  • Reduced consciousness or mental confusion.

Although there is no cure, Asthma can and should be controlled, regardless of its severity. So, check out the benefits of the ingredients that make up the  Home Recipe to Control Asthma Attacks:

Benefits of Apple:  Apple  helps  control certain diseases such as diabetes, improves digestion, contributing to a better use of nutrients and is indicated for those who want to lose weight, because it is rich in fiber and has few calories. In addition,  apples  are rich in antioxidants, water and vitamins, which is why  apples  have the following health benefits:

  • Apple   helps in reducing  bad  cholesterol ;
  • Apple  helps in controlling  diabetes , because it has  a low glycemic index;
  • Apple  helps to lose weight, because it has few and has water and  fibers  that  reduce appetite;
  • Apple  improves  constipation , because  soluble fibers detoxify the   digestive system;
  • Apples  relieve gastritis pain and heal gastric ulcers, as the  fibers  form  a gel that protects the stomach lining.

Benefits of Honey:  Honey  Provides  300 calories per 100 grams of its consumption, In addition,  Honey  is a source of fructose, glucose and sucrose. Honey also provides vitamins  and some minerals such as Calcium ,  Magnesium ,  Potassium  and  Phosphorus . The health benefits of  honey  are mainly for:

  • Reduce  throat inflammation .
  • Honey  has been  shown to be beneficial for digestion.
  • Honey  helps  protect cells against free radicals.
  • Honey  is a great sugar substitute . 
  • Honey  is recommended  for all athletes as it helps improve recovery time.

So, check out the complete  Home Recipe to Control Asthma Attacks:



  • Cut the Apples into thin slices and pour the honey on top.
  • Bake in the oven until it forms a thick syrup.
  • Wait for it to cool down and eat.

Attention:  Do not use any home remedy if you are taking any medication. Talk to a doctor first and seek professional help whenever symptoms persist.

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