The 18 Health Benefits of Herbs

The health benefits of herbs are varied, as herbs have a large amount of nutrients that are essential for the overall health of the body. Also, traditionally used to cure ailments, herbs have long known their benefits. And it’s no wonder: intestines up to date, anti-inflammatory action, diuretic and weight loss are just a few items on the list of advantages.The use of medicinal herbs is the oldest way to treat health and well-being. You can have a much more peaceful quality of life, fighting stress , depression , anxiety , panic , insomnia and food compulsion.

When the body starts to accumulate fluid, it means that the kidneys are working well, which can cause those uncomfortable gas and bloating. To reverse this situation, betting on herbs such as horsetail and lemon balm is a good choice, as they are considered diuretics, that is, they help to increase the amount of urine, eliminating toxins and sodium through it, great enemies of those who want it. lose weight.

Stimulant herbs, such as carqueja , help keep the mood, in addition to favoring functioning, causing rapid caloric burning and reduction of localized fat. Then check out The 18 Health Benefits of Herbs.

Burdock Benefit: In addition to the most well-known uses, such as external use, burdock serves for other indications, such as liver treatments , in cases of hepatitis and cirrhosis , in addition to gallstones . Its use as a depurative to purify the blood is also well known, and its roots are used in decoctions.

The roots also treat rheumatic diseases, being an excellent anti-inflammatory to treat arthritis ; kidney and digestive problems and with it an ointment is prepared, for external use, to cure eczema , as well as a lotion for hair loss. The roots of this plant are edible and can be eaten raw or cooked.

Benefits of Hibiscus: In ancient times, Egyptian pharaohs drank hibiscus tea to refresh and control their body temperature. In Iran, hibiscus flowers are used to calm the mind and improve sleep problems. More recently, hibiscus tea has been used to burn fat, reduce bloating, improve bowel function, and control cholesterol. As a diuretic, hibiscus tea also serves to lower blood pressure and protect kidney and liver functions .

Benefits of Mint: In addition to being very tasty,  Mint has analgesic, stimulant, flavoring, antioxidant, vasoconstrictor, expectorant action, prevents oral problems and, phew, it also helps with digestion, relieving stomach and intestinal problems. Used a lot to prepare teas and juices, Mint can add flavor to dishes such as beans , potatoes , eggplant and lamb.

Benefits of Sene: Sene serves to help in the treatment of constipation , biliary colic , fever , gas, anal fissure, hemorrhoids , impinges, venereal diseases, diseases caused by fungi, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, skin and eye diseases .

Horsetail Benefits: Horsetail tea benefitsare varied, ranging from treating hemorrhoids to hair loss. This herb is used with great results against almost all types of bleeding that occur in the human body. It also treats tuberculosis and kidney problems. When the herb is crushed, applied topically, it heals wounds, skin diseases, burns and chilblains.

Benefits of Salsa: Salsa is one of the most famous spices used in Brazil. It has digestive action, combats menstrual cramps and is still indicated for urinary infections and kidney problems. Parsley is  also rich in antioxidants and acts as an anti-inflammatory. It can be used in the preparation of vegetables, roasts, soups, pasta, meat and chicken.

Benefits of Carqueja: Carqueja serves to help in the treatment of poor digestion, constipation , diarrhea , gastroenteritis, anemia , flu, fever, liver diseases, diabetes , intestinal worms, cold sore, tonsillitis , anorexia , heartburn, bronchitis , cholesterol, diseases bladder, poor blood circulation and wounds.

Benefits  of Green Tea: The main benefit of Green Tea is to help you lose weight, because it has caffeine and catechins that accelerate metabolism, causing the body to spend more energy, in addition to facilitating digestion, helping to regulate the intestines and fighting retention. of fluids in the body. In addition, Green Tea , which can be in soluble powder, sachet or capsules for example, is rich in antioxidants and therefore has other benefits such as:

  • Protect the body’s cells;
  • Delay cellular aging;
  • Fight cholesterol;
  • Prevent heart disease;
  • Help prevent various types of cancer.

Among the main beneficial effects that medicinal herbs bring to our body are:

  • Anti-catarrhal: Which prevents the formation of phlegm;
  • Antispasmodic: Preventing or treating painful muscle contractions;
  • Anti-flatulent: Fighting intestinal gas;
  • Anti-rheumatic: Treating or rheumatism;
  • Anti-tussian: Que avoids a cough;
  • Diuretic: It helps in the elimination of liquids by the kidneys;
  • Emetic: Which causes vomiting;
  • Expectorant: Which helps in the elimination of mucus by the respiratory system;
  • Hemostatic: Helps to stop heragia;
  • Constipating: It helps to hold the intestines.

The benefits of herbs are numerous, but alone they do not work miracles. For you to really lose weight, it’s worth holding back a little gluttony and eating healthier foods, not forgetting to practice physical exercises. And don’t forget to consult a nutritionist, so you can make the most of the benefits of teas.

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