The 16 Health Benefits of Calcium
News of the week:
Benefits of Calcium to Strengthen Bones: Calcium isresponsible for developing and maintaining healthy bones and teeth . The lack of this mineral can develop diseases such as rickets, osteoporosis , osteomalacia. Calcium intake is very importantin adolescence and childhood because at this stage bones are in development and structuring phase.
Benefit of Calcium to Prevent Blood Clotting: The clotting process is a real battle in our body, combined with other proteins, calcium plays a key role in the blood clotting process.
Benefits of Calcium to Cleanse the Body : Calciumactivates several enzymes responsible for the digestion of fats and protein metabolism , it cleanses the body leaving it free of fat cells.
Benefit of Calcium To Regulate Nervous Impulses: Our body is made up of millions of nerve endings that connect through impulses, Calcium is very important because it acts in the regulation and transmission of these nerve impulses.
Benefit of Calcium to Combat Obesity: When there is a deficiency of calcium in the body, it becomes unbalanced and the fat tissues begin to swell, which can trigger weight gain. Calcium intakecauses the body to create a kind of barrier, so that all the fat in the food is not absorbed by the body.
In excess, calcium can cause health problems such as high blood pressure , loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Some signs indicate that you may have too much calcium, such as excessive urination, thirst, weakness, nervousness, and kidney failure.
Benefits of Calcium to Prevent Cancer: Adequate calcium prevents the overall risk of colon cancer and suppresses the growth of polyps that can lead to cancer. Calcium supplementationreduces the risk of adenomas as well as non-malignant colon tumors. This is actually a precursor to colon cancer, but it remains to be seen whether calcium intake minimizes the risk of cancer completely.
Excess calcium is left in your intestines after your body absorbs what it needs. On its way through the colon, this unabsorbed calcium is believed to bind with cancer promoters so they are excreted along with the body . Studies have shown that both dietary sources of calcium provide this protective effect. Calcium supplements should be taken in liquid form as liquid vitamins absorb 5 times better than pills.
Benefits of Calcium for Heartbeat: Muscle contraction is also controlled by Calcium , and that includes the heartbeat. Without calcium, the heartbeat can be affected.
Benefit of Calcium to Regulate Body Temperature: In medical terms, calcium acts in the regulation of thermogenesis, or body temperature.
Benefits of Calcium Against Premenstrual Syndrome: Research related to premenstrual syndrome shows that low level of calcium and vitamin D can lead to calcium reacting negatively with estrogens and progesterone that trigger premenstrual syndrome. Doctors recommend daily intake of 1000 milligrams of calcium and 1000 to 2000 units of vitamin D in case of premenstrual syndrome.
Benefits of Calcium for Controlling Blood Pressure: Some research has indicated that a vegetarian diet high in calcium , magnesium , potassium and fiber will result in lowering blood pressure. While other researchers concluded with different opinions. It was later found that the reason for these varied results was because these studies tested the effect of individual nutrients rather than the food sources possessing that nutritional content.
Benefits of Calcium to Prevent Kidney Stones: Kidney stones are deposits of calcium and other minerals crystallized in the human urinary tract. The most common form of kidney stones is oxalate stones. Previously, high calcium intake or high absorption was thought todevelop kidney stones, but more recent studies have shown that high calcium intake in the diet decreases the risk of kidney stones considerably.
Benefits of Calcium for Balancing the Body’s pH Level: Processed sugars, soda and junk food make the body very acidic on the pH scale. And they can cause hypertension and kidney stones. Calcium can prevent this problem and make the body less acidic. In addition, excess sugars and preserved foods contribute to the formation of acidity in the body, which in turn can give rise to various disease conditions such as cancer, kidney stones and hypertension. Calcium helps maintain a healthy pH level, thus improving your vitality and overall health .
Benefits of Calcium to Prevent Chronic Disease: Calciumplays a very serious role in fighting chronic diseases. Increased calcium intake can lead to a lower risk of certain chronic diseases.
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Benefits of Calcium for Weight Loss: Calciumhelps in maintaining ideal body weight. If there is any calcium deficiency in your diet, the body tends to release parathyroid hormone, which in turn stimulates the bones to release calcium into your bloodstream. This maintains the balance. On the other hand, parathyroid hormone also stimulates the production of fat and prevents its breakdown, which can later make you obese. Basically, make sure you’re taking the right amount of calcium , but not too much, so that obesity doesn’t creep in, alone with other related health issues.