End the Fats By Drinking Detox Juices!

End the Fats By Drinking Detox Juices! In addition, ten out of ten women dream of losing weight, even those who are already thin. And nothing better than losing weight quickly and effectively and, above all, without harming your health. This is the proposal of DETOX JUICES.

Combining ingredients that are only good for the body, drinks are tasty and very effective. Of course, you have to remember that juices will not work miracles. It is necessary to maintain a healthy diet and practice physical activities . With that, you will reach your goal of looking even more beautiful in no time! So, check out how  to get rid of the fat by taking Detox Juices:

Detox juices

PREPARATION TIPS:  Learn how to make juices at home to ensure more flavor and health. In addition, the contents of the glass can be pleasing, but knowing how it was made and what ingredients were used is essential.

That’s because the preparation of a good juice starts with the selection of the best foods, at the time of preparation – preferably freshly made, to take advantage of all the nutrients -, until the choice of mixtures. Thus, you become a master at preparing the drink, combining health with good flavors and getting rid of the swelling that bothers you so much.

DIRECT FROM THE FAIR:  It is important that the foods chosen are fresh. Therefore, when defining the recipe, prefer fruits that are in season. An example: the strawberry should be used in the months of June to September, while the mango , from October to January.

You can find out more about other foods by checking the website of the Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de são Paulo (CEAGESP): Choose also for its good appearance, without holes, stains, among other damages. Another detail: if you have the opportunity, choose organic products, which are free of pesticides.

NO DIRT:  Before preparing or even storing food, they need to be sanitized. Wash everything in running water and, for a complete cleaning of vegetables, herbs, vegetables and fruits, it is recommended to leave them in a mixture with 1 tablespoon of bleach for each liter of clean water.

Then just rinse again. If you consume with the peel, clean it consume with the peel, clean it with a brush to wash the surface. Foods that are refrigerated should be stored in plastic bags with holes and in the bottom of the refrigerator – this is the case with cabbage and other herbs. For ready-made juice, prefer the top shelf.

PRACTICALITY IN THE BODY:  To make the juices even easier, leave fruits and vegetables washed and ready for consumption. Apples , pears, star fruit and grapes, for example, can be eaten with the skin on.

Some leaves, such as kale , allow freezing and storage for up to six months. But for that they need a thermal shock, known as bleaching. The process consists of dropping the leaf in boiling water for a few seconds and then passing through the ice water.

COMBINATIONS:  In order not to just stick to orange or lemon juice , bet on more complete mixtures, in addition to fruits, also use vegetables, vegetables and seeds, as these elements enrich the diet without adding many calories.

And it’s worth taking a chance on these combinations, just be careful with the amount of striking foods, such as bananas , in which the flavor can overlap with the other ingredients. To balance, mix acidic fruits like orange or pineapple with more neutral fruits like papaya and apple .

EXTRACTING THE JUICE:  Both blender and centrifuge are suitable for preparing natural juices. However, the difference is the result. The blender almost always needs water or another liquid to make juices from fruits and vegetables.

If the food is placed with peel and bagasse, the fibers remain, although some are lost with the blade cuts. For those who have constipation or need to reduce cholesterol, it is important not to strain or just remove the excess. In the centrifuge, the difference is that it does not require the addition of water and retains a large part of the fibers of the food, strained in the device itself.

Useful links: 


  • In contact with air and light, juices quickly lose nutrients. Therefore, the ideal is that consumption is after preparation.
  • Always prefer mineral or filtered water or, if possible, use orange juice , orange, lemon or coconut water as a preparation base.
  • Avoid sugar to sweeten and accustom your taste buds. If parents have offered sugar-free juices to babies and children, they grow accustomed to the natural flavor.
  • If you need to sweeten, prefer a small amount of honey or stevia-based sweeteners or look for sweeter fruits to add to the mix.

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