Foods That Satisfy Your Hunger and Don’t Make You Fat
Foods that satisfy hunger and don’t make you fat are basically Vegetables , Fruits and Whole Grains . because these foods are rich in fibers that, when they reach the stomach, form a kind of gel and delay digestion, making the individual take longer to get hungry again. In addition, knowing some foods that satisfy hunger for a longer time helps us not to suffer for nothing during a diet or food reeducation. Do you starve yourself while on a diet? If you think you are eating well but still feel hungry, something is wrong.
Do you feel very hungry constantly? Know that the problem can be very much related to the type of food you eat. If the feeling of being full lasts for a short time after a meal, you may be missing some nutrients that increase satiety. In addition, following an eating plan to the letter is not always an easy task, since untimely hunger can knock on the stomach’s door at any time. To avoid temptation, invest in healthy foods, rich in fiber and with satiety power, which guarantee a prolonged feeling of satiety. So, The 20 Foods That Satisfy Your Hunger and Don’t Make You Fat .
Sweet Potato: The Sweet Potato is one of the main foods that satisfy hunger and don’t make you fat . Well, it has a slower absorption than the English potato, generating energy constantly, being a great source of carbohydrate. In addition, it has a low glycemic index, helps in weight loss and reduces cholesterol. For this reason, its consumption is super important for athletes and people who exercise regularly.
Egg: The egg has a high concentration of choline, an essential vitamin of the B complex, which acts as a precursor of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, essential for brain development. Yeah, if you’re afraid about cholesterol, know that research has already ruled out the role of eggs in raising blood cholesterol levels. It can be prepared in different ways, however, avoid eating fried eggs, as they accumulate a large amount of fat.
News of the week:
Apple: Apple is an alternative food that satiates hunger and does not make you fat. Also, those who don’t like apple skin should reconsider their opinion. It is full of a fiber called pectin – the same fiber found in eggplant. Most satietogens have fiber as their main quality. They also stimulate bowel movements, fibers also provide a great feeling of satiety in our body, because, in the stomach, they have the ability to absorb water and swell in a ‘sponge’ effect. As a result, we eat less.” An apple a day, between the main meals, will make the diet easier.
Banana : Bananais an excellent source of potassium , it helps to control heart problems, muscle weakness and cramps. In other words, its consmo is indicated for those who practice physical exercises, for example.
Oats : Oatsare one of the main foods that satisfy hunger and do not make you fat . therefore, it works as a natural regulator of hunger, thanks to the contribution of fibers and other important components. In addition, among the whole grains, oat stands out for the numerous functions it presents for the body. It is nutritious, has carbohydrates, proteins, Calcium , Iron , vitamins and fibers. Due to the presence of beta-glucan, a soluble fiber, the daily consumption of this cereal helps to maintain the levels of glucose and lipids in the blood, in addition to regulating intestinal transit.
Flaxseed: Flaxseed is another good option for foods that satisfy hunger and don’t make you fat . Well, as with oats , flaxseed is a source of fiber. It can be mixed in yogurts, smoothies and salads. For women, the seed has a special benefit: it contains ligin, a phytochemical with a structure similar to the female hormone estrogen, whose variation in the body causes premenstrual tension (PMS) and menopause disorders, including symptoms of depression, excessive irritability and fluid retention.
Dark Chocolate: The tryptophan in chocolate is used in the production of serotonin, the pleasure hormone, the lack of which has the side effect of attacks of gluttony. Just don’t think about eating chocolate all you want, because the ideal is about 20g a day. Best of all is dark chocolate, which is 70% cocoa (milk chocolate contains only 30% cocoa on average).
Zucchini : Zucchiniis a good option for foods that satisfy hunger and don’t make you fat . Well, it has anti-inflammatory action, thanks to the presence of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Combined with copper, these nutrients help prevent diseases such as asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. For those who suffer from hypertension, good news: zucchini, rich in Magnesium and Potassium , helps control pressure, preventing damage to blood vessels.
Cabbage: Cabbage is a vegetable rich in sinigrin, a glucosinolate responsible for preventing prostate, colon and bladder cancer. But, to guarantee 100% of this benefit, prefer to consume it raw or slightly cooked. Cabbage also favors the control of cholesterol levels, as it is rich in fiber, substances that sweep toxins and fat from the blood.
Grape: Grape is a fruit that is rich in fiber, which helps in the proper functioning of the intestine and in the digestion process. In addition, the grape has antioxidant action, fighting free radicals and preventing some types of cancer, especially breast cancer. Another benefit is the presence of resveratrol, which slows down the aging of brain cells, as well as the main degenerative diseases: Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Therefore, grapes are one of the foods that satisfy hunger and do not make you fat .
Carrots: Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, a substance that transforms into Vitamin A in the body and protects the health of the eyes. It is also essential for the skin, mucous membranes and hair. Beta-carotene is responsible for the orange hue of carrots and acts as an antioxidant, preventing some types of cancer, such as breast and lung cancer.
Lean Proteins: Although there are also proteins of plant origin, they are more present in foods of animal origin, especially in red meat. However, give preference to sources of protein with less fat, such as skinless chicken, fish or lean cuts of meat (tits, ducklings or rump, for example). In addition, proteins give a feeling of satiety and increase muscle mass, which increases energy expenditure. This set makes the consumption of protein an ally of weight loss.
Pineapple: Pineapple is a great source of water and fiber, as well as helping the body to absorb iron. To increase satiety, try to also eat the brains of the slices.
Fish: Fish are a good alternative to foods that satisfy hunger and don’t make you fat . Well, they are an excellent source of omega 3, a fatty acid with anti-inflammatory action and with the power to reduce cholesterol levels, in addition to controlling and preventing diabetes and intestinal syndromes. Meat protects neurons from free radicals, improves concentration and promotes memory.
Pumpkin: Pumpkin is another good option for foods that satisfy hunger and don’t make you fat . Well, its secret lies in the combination of fibers with a low number of calories, and can be consumed roasted, cooked or even as an integral part of bread production. Beta-carotene, the pigment that gives it its orange color, has considerable antioxidant power, which makes it recommended for the prevention of some types of cancer such as prostate, breast and colon. When preparing the pumpkin, do not discard the seeds. They serve as a great appetizer, as they contain an amino acid called tryptophan, which acts on the nervous system, awakening the feeling of well-being.
Plums: Plums area fiber-rich food that will help you feel fuller, and feature healthy antioxidants. You can also include plums in a great dinner main course. Try a roast chicken with green olives and plums.
Gelatin: For those who do not want dessert, the tip is to bet on gelatin. The protein in this food is slowly digested by the body, which prolongs the feeling of satiety. Also, gelatin contains a lot of water, which takes up space and fills the stomach.
Wheat Bran: Wheat Bran is a good choice for adding to other foods. This is because in addition to increasing the volume of the food, giving the impression that the plate is fuller, the bran has a low glycemic index, which guarantees more satiety. therefore, it is one of the foods that satisfy hunger and do not make you fat .
Useful links:
Brown rice: Brown rice is a good alternative to foods that satisfy hunger and do not make you fat . It is an excellent source of fiber. In addition, it can also be consumed at lunch by those who want to prevent hunger from returning soon.