10 Foods Rich in Estrogen

The 10  Foods Rich in Estrogen are essential for the production of this hormone that is so essential for the health of both women and men. In addition,  Estrogens or Estrogens are a group of natural steroid hormones that play an essential role in the growth and development of female sexual characteristics.

Although they are secreted in the bodies of both men and women, they are present in significantly higher amounts in women, even more so in women of childbearing age.

Secondary sexual characteristics, which shape the variations between men and women, are determined in part by this steroid hormone. In women, these characteristics show up in the development of breasts, enlargement of the pelvis and enlargement of the amounts of body fat  in the thigh and hip region. This hormone has a direct relationship to the fact that women tend to have less facial hair and smoother skin compared to men.

Foods Rich in Estrogen also  play an important role in regulating the activities of the reproductive organs in women. They consist of a whole class of hormones that are produced by the follicles of the ovary during the menstrual cycle and also by the placenta during pregnancy.

The liver , breasts and adrenal glands also contribute to the production of this hormone, albeit in smaller amounts.
So, check out now The 10  Foods Rich in Estrogen:

Flax Seeds:  Flaxseedsare also commonly referred to as Flax Seeds . The phytoestrogens present in them are referred to as lignans. The seeds are usually ground and used in other  Estrogen Rich Foods like breads, cereals and salads to increase the rate of absorption. Flaxseed has the highest amount of phytoestrogens: 379,380 mcg per 100g.

Tofu  Tofu, also called soy cheese, is made from soy milk and is rich in phytoestrogens called isoflavones. Tofu is available in mild varieties and can be used in soups. 85 grams of Tofu provides around 20 mg of isoflavones.

Soy :  Soyis one of the richest sources of phytoestrogens. Intake of Estrogen Rich Foods like this is known to provide relief from menstrual cycle symptoms in women. Edamame are the pods that are produced by the Soybean plant . One cup of soy contains 24 mg of isoflavones or 103,920 mcg of phytoestrogen per 100 g.

Soy Yogurt:  Yogurt or  bean curd is yogurt made from soy milk. One cup of this yogurt contains about 21mg of isoflavones or 10,275 mcg of phytoestrogens per 100g.

Sesame Seeds: Sesame  seeds also contain phytoestrogens known as lignans. These are used to make a wide variety of dishes and can also be sprinkled on top of certain appetizers. 28 grams of sesame seeds contain 11.2 mg of lignans, or 8008.1mcg of phytoestrogens for every 100 grams.

Multi-Grain Bread: Whole  grains like Oats , Barley , Rye and Wheat have phytoestrogens known as lignans. The number of units by weight depends on the concentration of whole grains in the bread.

Soy Milk: Soy  milk is a beverage made from soybeans . It is rich in phytoestrogens called flavones. A cup of soy milk contains about 30 mg of flavones or 2,957.2 mcg per 100 grams.

Hummus:  Hummus is a type of food made usingcooked and mashed chickpeas . It provides around 993 mcg of phytoestrogens per 100 grams.

Garlic :  Garlicwhich belongs to the Onion family is also a source of isoflavones with around 603.3 mcg of phytoestrogens per 100 grams. This is one of the Estrogen Rich Foods that as an ingredient is widely used in cuisines all over the world.

 Dried Apricots , Dates and Plums: Dried apricots have a greater supply of phytoestrogens thannatural apricots . Dried apricots contain 445.5 mcg of phytoestrogens per 100 grams. Dried dates contain approximately about 329.5 mg of isoflavonoids per 100g and prunes with 177.5mcg per 100 grams. These are also good sources of estrogen.

Useful links: 

Eating a diet rich  in these Estrogen Rich Foods mentioned above along with good amounts of fruits and vegetables not only ensures a smooth transition to Menopause for women, but also safeguards their health and well-being.

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