Colds – 5 Effective Rules of Treatment!

Effective rules in the treatment of colds, because unfortunately, rarely someone pays due attention to the first symptoms: body aches , headaches , runny nose , cough ; fever and sore throat .

What are the causes of colds?

Sometimes a recurring cold  can not only weaken your immune system , but also cause all sorts of complications.

The viruses and bacteria that cause respiratory diseases are in the external environment and reach us by airborne droplets.

Thus, the mucous membrane of the nose and the tonsils and oropharynx are the first mechanisms that get in the way of infection and, if necessary, “deal the first blow”.

Therefore, most often a cold  is manifested by a runny nose and sore throat .

If it occurs, the microorganisms and the inflammatory process go down and laryngitis , bronchitis , and pneumonia occur .

How to prevent the cold?

Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Therefore, you should pay attention to the recommendations that to avoid undesirable consequences.

In addition to proper nutrition, moderate physical exertion and good sleep , you can help with local and general protection by taking vitamin complexes.

Making herbal tea preparations and special medicines that strengthen the immune system during the seasons of illness.

Comprehensive prevention with the help of tincture of Echinacea purpurea, golden root , strengthens the body very well.

Propolis , oat decoction, aloe juice with honey are also effective .

What are the effective rules for treating the cold?

But if the disease has already struck, it is worth remembering a few rules.

  1. When the first signs of the disease appear, it is urgent to warm up. Wear warm clothes and keep your hands and feet warm.
  2. You can drink hot tea, herbal decoction or lemon juice with ginger and honey diluted in warm water.
  3. If the throat was the first to suffer from the cold , disinfecting the throat with decoctions of chamomile , sage , calendula and a salt solution will help to alleviate it.
  4. In case of fever , after a hot herbal tea you need to go to bed, cover yourself with a warm blanket and sweat.
  5. It is necessary to drink 2 liters of liquid a day, as the residues of microorganisms that cause intoxication are excreted by the kidneys

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