Cabbage Diet: How to do it? it works? menu, benefits and tips

How to do Cabbage Diet? It works? is there a menu? benefits and income. In addition, cabbage, in addition to being tasty and rich in nutrients.

Cabbage, in addition to being tasty and with various ways of preparation, is one of the main foods that provide a rich nutritious diversity, thus being indispensable for health and better functioning of the organs.

For example, a glass of cabbage juice contains 14% calcium , 659% vitamin A and over 900% vitamin K , substances that your body needs.

Low in calories, nutritious and beneficial. Kale is a good food choice for meals. But what about a vegetable-based food program? How does the cabbage diet work?

Nutritional value of kale

When you add kale to your diet, you will be benefiting from a large amount of vitamin K (over 1100% of the daily recommendation) as well as significant amounts of vitamin A , vitamin C, copper and manganese .

Additionally, there are decent levels of potassium , calcium , iron , dietary fiber, vitamin B6, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium , thiamine, niacin , folate, and phosphorus .

Apart from helping you lose weight, kale also has several health benefits. See some benefits.

1. Good for Skin:

Lutein and zeaxanthin, along with several other flavonoids, are found in kale, and these antioxidants have proven to be important for skin health.

Carotenoids are able to neutralize free radicals in the body and lower levels of oxidative stress, including on the skin.

2. Fights inflammation:

Kale’s anti-inflammatory nature comes from its high levels of vitamin K , as well as omega-3 fatty acids.

The former is a key nutrient in regulating the body’s inflammatory response, while the latter is capable of decreasing levels of chronic inflammation in the cardiovascular system and gut.

3. Improves Digestion:

If you are constipated, it is extremely important to add leafy green vegetables like kale to your diet. Kale is rich in dietary fiber (with 10% of your daily requirement in each cup), which is good for bulking stools and stimulating peristaltic movement in the bowel, reducing signs of constipation, bloating, cramping, and diarrhea.

4. Treat heart disease:

This popular vegetable has a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid, which has been shown to lower the level of “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and increase the level of “good” (HDL) cholesterol.

This can prevent plaque deposition in the arteries and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

What is the cabbage diet

The idea of ​​the cabbage diet is to include the food daily in meals, using its nutrients as a way to help the weight loss process.

But why does kale help you lose weight? One of the reasons given is the fact that food is a rich source of fiber, a nutrient that in addition to contributing to the proper functioning of the intestine, collaborates with the prolongation of the feeling of satiety in the body.

This means that vegetables help to control appetite and, consequently, not to extrapolate in the amount of calories consumed throughout the day, which is important for those who want to lose weight.

Another aspect of the cabbage diet that favors weight loss is that it is a source of ascorbic acid.

This substance causes the body to absorb a smaller amount of fat and helps eliminate it through feces and urine.

In addition, offering a good range of nutrients while bringing few calories also makes kale a friend of fitness, as it allows the body to get some of the components it needs to function properly while not filling it up. of calories.

Undoubtedly, it is one of the most suitable vegetables when starting a detox diet or to lose weight, because in addition to being super healthy, it also helps in weight loss , blocking fat enzymes, thanks to the large amount of calcium present in its composition . , not to mention that it is an excellent source of vitamins.

cabbage diet menu

In the morning:

  • 1 Cup of Cabbage Juice:

Morning snack:

  • On Monday: 1 full tablespoon of dried fruit;
  • On Tuesday: 2 tablespoons of toasted soy ;
  • On Wednesday: 3 whole oatmeal cookies ;
  • On Thursday: 1 light molenguinho;
  • On Friday: 1 full tablespoon of dried fruit;
  • On Saturday: 1 zero-fat yogurt ;
  • On Sunday: 1 fresh fruit of your choice;

In lunch time:

  • On Monday: 2 tablespoons of brown rice , 1 grilled lean beef steak, 2 tablespoons and braised cabbage;
  • On Tuesday:  Coleslaw and raw cabbage, sliced ​​into very thin pieces, 1 grilled fish fillet and 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes;
  • On Wednesday:  Swiss chard salad with soy sauce, 1 grilled chicken fillet and 2 tablespoons of brown rice with broccoli;
  • On the Quinta:  Salad of dark green leaves with turnip, 1 roasted fish fillet and 1 tablespoon of braised cabbage;
  • On Friday:  Lettuce, 2 tablespoons of brown rice and 3 meatballs with sugo;
  • On Saturday: 1 dessert plate of cucumber salad in vinaigrette, 1 grilled fish fillet and 1 boiled potato with parsley;
  • On Sunday: 1 Dessert plate of wholegrain pasta with tomato and basil sauce and 1 skinless roasted chicken thigh;

At Afternoon Snack Time:

  • On Monday: 1 Sugar-free cereal bar;
  • On Tuesday: 1 Yogurt with zero fat content;
  • On Wednesday: 1 Fruit of your choice;
  • On Thursday: 1 Tablespoon of raisins with two Brazil nuts;
  • On Friday: 1 zero-fat yogurt;
  • No Saturday: 1 fresh fruit;
  • On Sunday: 1 cup of diet gelatin;

At Dinner Time:

  • On Monday: 1 Plate of vegetable cream soup with croutons;
  • On Tuesday:  Vegetable omelet with 2 egg whites and 1 egg yolk and 3 tablespoons of vegetable selet;
  • On Wednesday: 1 Plate of lentil soup with shell noodles;
  • On Thursday:  Salad with 2 boiled potatoes, 1 baby carrot , 1 tablespoon of peas, 1 tablespoon of corn, 2 boiled quail eggs and 1 tablespoon of light mayonnaise;
  • On Friday: 1 plate of vegetable broth with angel hair pasta sprinkled with parmesan cheese, 1 tablespoon of cabbage chopped into very thin pieces;
  • On Saturday: 1 Sandwich with 2 slices of light wholemeal bread, 1 tablespoon of sardine pate, ½ grated carrot , 2 lettuce leaves and 1 tomato slice;
  • On Sunday: 2 slices of pizza in mozzarella flavor.

Great Recipes for Dieting

Kale with apple, orange:


  • 2 cabbage leaves;
  • apple ;
  • ½ carrot ;
  • Juice of 1 orange ;
  • 1 cabbage (sob.) of mel;

Preparation mode:

  • Blend all ingredients in a blender and add ice and honey if desired.

Cabbage With Cucumber and Ginger:


  • 2 cup (tea) washed and chopped cabbage;
  • 2 thin slices of cucumber ;
  • 1 col. (tea) of ginger ;
  • Parsley to taste;
  • ½ chopped apple ;
  • 1 drop of lemon ;

Preparation mode:

  • Blend all ingredients in a blender and add ice and honey if desired.

Heads up:

Before starting the cabbage diet or any food program, it is essential to consult a doctor and nutritionist to make sure that the diet in question is really appropriate for your case and to ensure that it will not cause any health problems.

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