Beetroot juice with orange and apple to fight anemia (and how to make it)
Beetroot juice with orange and apple is a good alternative to healthy juice, as well as helping to lose weight with health.
Detox juices have been a great success, because they are delicious, healthy and detonate that hunger at no time.
But detox juices can be even more useful in your daily life.
In addition to feeding, they can play the role of detoxifying the body.
Thinking about it, we selected this powerful recipe for you to feed yourself, promoting that basic cleaning in toxins.
This will improve the functions of various organs, rid the heart of cholesterol and promote healthy weight loss.
Mix whisk and drink these delights!
What is anemia?
The blood that flows through the veins and arteries contains millions of red blood cells.
These blood cells have inside a protein called hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to all tissues.
Anemia occurs when the level of hemoglobin in red blood cells is below the normal level.
There are many possible causes, but the most common is a lack of iron ( iron deficiency anemia ).
Iron is an essential mineral for the production of hemoglobin
Main Causes of Anemia
Iron deficiency anemia can have, for several reasons, the most common are:
- Nutritional Deficiency: The person does not eat enough iron to produce the required amount of hemoglobin.
- Blood Loss: Heavy periods or blood loss through the intestines are also a common cause.
- Intestinal Malabsorption: In some people, such as celiac disease patients, iron in ingested food is not absorbed into the bloodstream due to an intestinal disorder.
Anemia can have very negative consequences on child development, especially if it occurs in pregnant women or young children.
In adults, the negative effects can also be very serious.
benefits of orange
Orange is a citrus fruit rich in Vitamin C , which brings the following benefits to the body:
- Orange helps reduce high cholesterol , as it is rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that makes it difficult to absorb cholesterol in the intestine;
- Orange helps prevent breast cancer , as it is rich in flavonoids, strong antioxidants that prevent cell changes;
- Orange helps to keep the skin healthy and prevent premature aging, as it is rich in Vitamin C , which helps to form collagen;
- Orange helps to strengthen the immune system, as it is rich in Vitamin C ;
- Orange helps prevent atherosclerosis and protect the heart, as it is rich in antioxidants.
Benefits of Beetroot
Beetroot is a slightly sweet tuber, and has several nutritional and medicinal properties .
It is quite versatile, and can be consumed raw, grilled, cooked, roasted or in the form of juices and also includes several health benefits, such as:
- Decreases high blood pressure ;
- Improves training performance;
- Strengthens the immune system ;
- Prevents and fights anemia ;
- Maintains muscle health;
- Protects the nervous system;
- Prevents premature aging;
- Controls cholesterol and protects the heart;
- Prevents cancer ;
- Maintains eye health and prevents cataracts ;
- Prevents liver and lung problems.
benefits of ginger
Ginger is a root that can be used in teas or zest that can be added to water, juices, yogurts or salads.
The health benefits of ginger are mainly for:
- It helps in weight loss,
- Ginger accelerating metabolism,
- It relax the gastrointestinal system,
- Ginger prevent nausea and vomiting.
- However, ginger also acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, helping to prevent diseases like colon-rectal cancer and stomach ulcers.
benefit of orange
Orange is rich in sugar and carbohydrates.
They provide energy and contain about 50 calories per 100 grams of consumption.
Orange is known to be rich in fiber and vitamin C which are ideal for treating anemia .
In addition to Vitamin C , Orange contains Vitamin A , Vitamin B and Vitamin E. and Minerals such as Iron , Zinc , Potassium , Calcium , Magnesium and Manganese .
carrot benefits
Carrot is a very important root in food, as it brings the following health benefits:
- Carrots help improve digestion and fight constipation, as it is rich in fiber,
- Carrots help to prevent premature aging, as it is rich in vitamin A and antioxidants ,
- Carrots help keep the tan for longer, as it contains beta-carotene, which stimulates the production of dark skin color,
- Carrots help you lose weight, as it contains few calories ,
- Carrots help to strengthen the immune system, as it is rich in antioxidants,
- Carrots help protect vision, as it contains vitamin A ,
- Carrots help prevent lung cancer due to antioxidants.
Benefit of Oats
Oats are a cereal that does not contain gluten , and can be consumed even by people with gluten sensitivity or intolerance , and its benefits to treat anemia are:
- Regulate the intestine and relieve constipation, as it is rich in fiber;
- Reduce bad cholesterol, due to the presence of beta-glucan fiber;
- Avoid the rapid increase in blood glucose, being excellent for diabetics and pre-diabetics;
- Prevent colon cancer , as it contains phytic acid, a substance that improves the health of intestinal cells;
- Decrease appetite, as it is rich in soluble fiber.
Beetroot juice with orange and apple to fight anemia
1. Beetroot juice with orange and apple
- 1/2 chopped red apple
- 1 cup (200ml) orange juice
- 1 beet, chopped
- 1 slices of Ginger
Preparation mode
- Combine all ingredients and blend in blender.
- Drink right away.
2. Beetroot Juice with Ginger with Carrots
- ½ grated beet
- 1 apple without seeds, chopped
- ½ tablespoon grated fresh ginger
- ½ grated carrot
- 1 cup (tea) of water
Preparation mode
- Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
- If desired sweeten with brown sugar or honey and drink immediately.
3. Beetroot juice with carrots and spinach
- 1 sliced carrot .
- 1 slice of beet .
- 1 green apple without seeds, chopped.
- 1 bunch of spinach .
- Juice of 1 lemon .
- ½ orange , chopped without seeds.
- 2 cabbage leaves.
Preparation mode
- Blend everything in a blender until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
- Add water, ice and me and then drink without straining.
4. Beetroot juice with orange and oatmeal
- 1/2 beet
- 1 cup (200ml) milk
- 1/2 cup of pure orange juice
- 2 tablespoons of oat bran .
Preparation mode
- Place the ingredients in a blender and blend well.
- Drink 1 glass (200ml) a day.
5. Orange juice with carrots and beets
Preparation mode
- Blend all ingredients in blender;
- Strain and serve immediately.
6. Cabbage juice with watercress
- 3 kale leaves .
- 3 watercress leaves .
- 1 cup (tea) of Dandelion .
Preparation mode
- Blend everything in the blender.
- Drink a glass 3 times a day.
7. Pineapple juice
- 4 Pineapple Slices .
- honey to taste
Preparation mode
- Mix all ingredients in a blender.
- Drink 1 glass, 4 times a day.
8. Spinach juice with beetroot
Preparation mode
- Blend all ingredients in a blender like water.
- If desired, add honey.
- Drink 1 Glass, 4 times a day.
9. Beetroot juice with brewer’s yeast
Preparation mode
- Cut the beets and carrots into several pieces and put them in a blender.
- Add a cup of water and a teaspoon of brewer’s yeast and process for a few minutes.
- Whisk until you get a smooth, lump-free liquid.
- Serve and drink immediately.
10. Blackberry Juice with Strawberry
- 2 blackberries
- 3 strawberries
- 1 apple
- ½ glass of water (100 ml)
Preparation mode
- Wash the blackberries and strawberries well and put them in the blender.
- Cut the apples into several pieces and add to the rest of the ingredients.
- Don’t forget to remove the seeds.
- Mix in half a glass of water to make grinding easier and beat for two minutes.
- Take it in the morning.
11. Spinach juice with radish
- 5 bunches of watercress
- 4 radishes
- 2 bunches of spinach
- 1 glass of water (200 ml)
Preparation mode
- Wash the vegetables and pass them through a juice extractor.
- Add a glass of water and consume the resulting drink for breakfast.
12. Apricot juice with lemon
- 6 apricots (fresh or dried)
- 1 stalk of lemon grass
- 300 ml of coconut water
Preparation mode
- Whisk all the ingredients together until well blended and then drink.