Basil essential oil – benefits, harm and how to use it!

Basil essential oil  fights bacteria, colds and bad odors. This oil, which is derived from the Ocimum basilicum plant, is commonly used to enhance the flavor of many recipes today.

However, its uses extend far beyond the culinary world. Additionally, this oil (sometimes called “sweet basil oil”) has been used for centuries to treat all sorts of health issues.

As a natural anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibiotic and diuretic , basil has been used in traditional Indian and Asian medicine practices for years. Today, basil is known for its use in cases of stomach spasms, loss of appetite, fluid retention, colds , warts, and even intestinal worm infections.

What is basil essential oil?

Ocimum basilicum L. (basil) belongs to the Lamiaceae or mint family , which includes about 200 species of various botanical basil varieties and forms cultivated throughout the world. With a naturally sweet, warm, spicy and herbaceous aroma, basil oil can be used in a variety of ways, both internally and topically.

Health benefits of basil essential oil:

This oil contains many health benefits for the entire body, the main ones are listed below. Basil essential oil benefits  include:

  • Fights bacteria;
  • Fights infections;
  • Reduces disease-causing inflammation;
  • Fight the virus;
  • Relieves congestion;
  • Increases urine production ;
  • Fights free radical damage ;
  • Stimulates the nervous system;
  • Stimulates the adrenal cortex .

Basil benefits also include the ability to fight bacteria and odors in food and on the skin, which is why basil oil can be found in foods , beverages, dental and oral health products, as well as fragrances.

Basil oil and holy basil oil (also called tulsi) are different in chemical composition, although they have some uses in common. Like basil, holy basil helps fight bacteria, fatigue , inflammation and infections.

Basil oil is sometimes recommended as a natural ear infection remedy. One study used an animal model to examine the effects of applying basil oil to the ear canals of individuals with middle ear infections.

What did they find? Basil oil “cured” more than half of the animals with ear infections due to the H. influenzae bacteria, compared to a cure rate of about 6% in the placebo group.

In this case, rub a few drops of antibacterial basil oil diluted in another oil, such as coconut or almond , behind the ears and on the “palms” of the feet. This can speed up the time it takes to recover from ear infections, as well as reduce pain and swelling.

Basil essential oil uses and recipes: 

1. Aromatically:

Basil essential oil can be diffused throughout your home using an oil diffuser or vaporizer. Additionally, you can also inhale directly from the bottle or rub several drops into your palms and then place your hands over your face to inhale.

2. Topically:

Basil oil should be diluted with a carrier oil like coconut oil in equal amounts before applying directly to your skin. As it is a potent oil, start slowly and use several drops at a time.

Basil oil can sometimes cause skin reactions in people with sensitive skin , so avoid using it on your face, neck, or chest before you are sure it reacts positively.

3. Internally:

The US Food and Drug Administration recognizes that pure basil oil is safe for consumption, but this is ONLY in the case of oil produced by high quality brands for therapeutic use.

In that case, buy your oil from a reputable seller and carefully check the ingredient label. You should only look for oil made from Ocimum basilicum.

For consumption, you can add a drop to water or take it as a dietary supplement, mixing it with raw honey or in a smoothie.

Basil oil blends well with many other essential oils, including bergamot oil, black pepper oil , cedarwood oil, fennel oil, ginger oil , geranium oil , grapefruit oil , lavender oil , lemon oil , marjoram oil and neroli oil .

Benefits of Basil Essential Oil: 

Basil essential oil should be avoided during pregnancy as it can have an impact on hormone levels as well as muscle and nerve function. It is also not suitable for anyone with epilepsy .

As with all essential oils, especially those that are new to you, always test to get an idea of ​​how sensitive your skin is before using them on sensitive or generalized areas.

Do a skin patch test on your feet or forearms to make sure you don’t experience irritation such as redness , burning , hives , or allergic reactions. Also, keep basil oil away from your eyes and the inside of your ears or nose.

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