Facial mask to remove blemishes, acnes and wrinkles on the skin!

I Never Thought 2 Ingredients Would Remove Blemishes, Acne, Scars and Wrinkles From My Skin. In addition, removing blemishes, acne and wrinkles seems to be something difficult to achieve, but in fact it is not, understand why. Our skin  has different functions, it is important to mention this, because we often consider that the skin  is just there to look good and give us that unique look, but the truth is that this is our protection, so it stands to reason that it is. damaged sometimes. The point is that there are parts of our skin that are much more sensitive than others, such as the face, this is extremely delicate and the worst thing is that it is the most noticeable, after all, the skin of the face is what matters most in aesthetics without a doubt.

That’s why we always try to keep that area free of imperfections and imperfections and today we are going to show you an excellent mask that will end up with wrinkles and blemishes of all kinds, let’s see how this fabulous natural and homemade mask is prepared. Know the Benefits of the ingredients that make up this mask:

Benefits of Coconut Oil:

Despite being an oil rich in saturated fat, numerous studies have proven its health benefits. Coconut oil still has unsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid and linoleic acid (omega 9, which reduces LDL levels). Polyphenols are also responsible for the flavor and aroma of the oil. Coconut oil is also a source of vitamins K and E , and iron. Coconut Oil is formed by triglycerides, which together with the stomach turns into monolaurin, a powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal, that is, it acts directly on  immunity , improving it quickly.

Coconut oil is an excellent oil, which acts as a moisturizer on all skin types , including  dry skin . Unlike other oils, there is no chance of having any side effects from Coconut Oil . So, fearlessly use Coconut Oil on your skin .

Benefits of Bicarbonate:

Baking  soda  has antacid properties and is beneficial for relieving acid indigestion, severe acidity and heartburn. This helps in relieving symptoms of peptic ulcer disease. Due to its alkaline properties it is also recommended to reduce acidity in urine and blood. Baking  soda  has been widely used since ancient times as a natural, chemical and antibacterial agent to tackle a wide variety of skin problems . It works as an exfoliating remover for dry and dead skin  that can cause acne, blackheads and other skin problems. Here is a list of benefits of baking soda for skin.

It is also alkaline, which helps to soften sebum and debris on the face. It also cleans and opens pores and absorbs excess oil preventing pores from clogging, is categorized as  a Physical Exfoliator  and its fine granule structure removes dead skin cells without causing excessive irritation. Now that you’ve seen the benefits of the ingredients, check out the Recipe for this Mask to Remove Spots, Acnes, Scars and Wrinkles from the Skin:

Facial mask to remove blemishes, acnes and wrinkles on the skin!

To Prepare This Amazing Mixture, We Will Need The Following:



  • This is one of the most popular masks not only for its effectiveness, but for the way it is prepared, pay attention.
  • The first thing is to get a container where we can put the two ingredients to mix them comfortably.
  • Now, let’s put the two in equal parts, so we get a balanced mixture.
  • We mix everything very well until we get a type of cream, take your time, as it must be as homogeneous as possible so that we can achieve the desired results.


  • Before applying, we must wash our face so that the mask works more efficiently.
  • We apply the mask in circular motions, we try to do it gently so as not to damage the skin .
  • Next, we will remove this mask with warm water, thus, our pores will be opened and you will end up with all the impurities that you may have accumulated.

This trick can only be done 2 times a week, because if you use it you can damage your skin or make it more sensitive than it should.

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