The 3 Tea Recipes that Cure a Hangover
Hangover Cure Tea Recipes are combinations of ingredients that speed up this process, causing less of the effects of excess alcohol in the body. In addition, hangover occurs when there is intoxication in the body due to too much alcohol, so it is a natural reaction of our body.
To process all the alcohol ingested and eliminate it, various organs of the body have to work much harder than normal, thus, ending up overloading all the organs involved in the process.
In this process, the Liver is the most overloaded. And what’s worse, he doesn’t know that you’ve stopped drinking and continues to work to deal with so much alcohol, as if he was drunk himself. This “overtime” of the liver accumulates enzymes in the body that end up messing up metabolism and even interfere with the nervous system. This causes the symptoms that many people are familiar with:
- Headache ;
- Dehydration;
- seasickness ;
- diarrhea ;
- Tiredness.
Although, hangovers will go away on their own within about 24 hours, you can also precede the improvement with some Hangover Cure Tea Recipes . The following are some of the most effective and natural (and scientifically proven) ways to alleviate the effects of a hangover . So, check out the Recipes for Teas that Cure the Hangover:
Chamomile Tea: Sweetened, to replace blood sugar is the best option. It will improve Digestion and fight Nausea .
- Heat the water and, after raising the boil, add the dried chamomile flowers .
- Turn off the heat, cover the container and let it rest for 3 to 5 minutes.
- Strain and add honey or lemon juice if you prefer, as they help to adjust the flavor.
Peppermint Tea: This delicious tea will help in the digestive process and detoxification of the body.
- 1 cup fresh mint leaves
- 500 ml of Water
- Heat the water and, after raising the boil, add the mint leaves .
- Turn off the heat, cover the container and let it rest for up to 5 minutes.
- Strain and serve.
Ginger Tea: It has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying action, which acting together favor the elimination of alcohol from our body, curing the hangover faster.
- Leave the pan with water over the fire until it reaches the same point of creating balls, before bringing to a boil.
- At this point, add the ginger slices to the water, cover the pan and turn off the heat.
- Let it rest for 5 minutes, strain and drink immediately.
How to Prepare the Tea Correctly: Always usecold and pure water ; do not leave the water boiling for a long time, so as not to lose oxygen; the ingredient must be placed in the Water as soon as the boiling begins; rest for infusion should be a maximum of 5 minutes; stir only once; do not use detergent to wash the teapots; before serving the tea, scald the cup to be used inhot water ; using a lid or a damper makes the tea stronger.
If drinking has caused heartburn , squeeze the lemon in a glass of water and drink it without sugar . Or make tea like two or three lemon leaves (also without sugar ).
However, the best way to avoid having a hangover is to avoid drinking excessively. Handle alcohol if you don’t want to have a hangover the next day. But if it still occurs, make some tea, drink plenty of water to recover what was lost and rest.