The 15 Health Benefits of Drinking Water!
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The health benefits of water have been accepted by medical experts across the globe. It is the most abundant compound present on this earth. All life forms require water for their metabolic activities. It plays a vital role in our body and it is impossible to imagine the existence of an individual without water . The human body contains 2/3 of its weight of water . Blood, muscle, brain mass and bones are also made up of 83%, 75%, 74% and 22% water , respectively.
Water plays an essential role in the functioning of the circulatory, respiratory, nervous and excretory systems, along with metabolic reactions, the maintenance of skin components and a prevention of a number of disorders . Then check out the 15 Health Benefits of Drinking Water.
Drinking Water Benefits For PH Balance: The human body maintains a pH range of 7.35-7.45 for proper physiological processes. An acidic shift can lead to illness and an inability for the body to assimilate vitamins and minerals. Thus, it should be above the value 7, which is favorable for the body’s absorption of oxygen, higher energy levels and a better immune response to diseases.
Benefits of Drinking Water for Body Temperature: Most of the human body is made up of water and this fluid is responsible for regulating body temperature. We are subjected to sweating in summers to dissipate excess heat in order to lower the temperature. This establishment of temperature regulation has been attributed to water as well.
Benefits of Drinking Water for Osteoporosis: According to research conducted by the Linus Pauling Institute, individuals who drink adequate amounts of water have reduced risks of osteoporosis and hip fractures.
Benefits of Drinking Water for Breathing: Water playsits role in distributing oxygen throughout the human body, collecting carbon dioxide from all these parts and dissolving these gases.
Benefits of Drinking Water for Metabolism: Water is the carrier of oxygen, nutrients and hormones to good parts of the body, in addition to providing a means for the removal of toxins, dead cells and waste. Proteins and enzymes involved in several fundamental processes also need water for their correct functioning.
Benefits of Drinking Water for Back Pain: The back of our body rests on the spinal cord. The core of the vertebral disc is made up of a large volume of water. Its dehydration can lead to back pain in many individuals.
Drinking Water Benefits For A Range Of Disorders: Disorders such as constipation, heartburn , migraine , gastritis and ulcers are all related to water deficiency . Constipation, heartburn, migraine, gastritis and ulcers can be prevented by drinking small amounts of water routinely.
Benefits of Drinking Water for Kidneys: According to the Kidney International Stone Institute, 2 liters or 10 glasses should be consumed every day to prevent the formation of kidney stones. Water is the best solvent and this property does not allow salts and minerals to accumulate to form stones. The salts in the kidneys affected are diluted and eliminated in the urine.
Benefits of Drinking Water for Cardiovascular Disease: Water can prevent cardiovascular disease. It maintains proper blood and plasma viscosity and fibrinogen distribution. Therefore, adequate hydration of vascular components is advisable.
Benefits of Drinking Water For Rheumatoid Arthritis: The joints in the human body are prone to continuous friction and weathering. These can be kept in proper shape by drinking appropriate amounts of water . A decrease in water consumption can lead to rheumatoid arthritis.
Benefits of Drinking Water for Pregnant Women: A pregnant woman carries a new life in her womb that develops from the resources of her body. The nutrients and other elements necessary for her growth can be carried from the mother to the fetus through the blood, which in turn needs water . Constipation, bladder infections and hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy and this can be avoided by drinking excess water during these times.
Benefits of Drinking Water for Kidney Functions: Excretion material in the form of urea is highly toxic to body tissues and must be diluted before passing. This is again done by the “universal solvent” – water .
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Benefits of Drinking Water for Skin: According to the University of Minnesota, adequate water levels in the body prevent the body from experiencing dehydration. This, in turn, maintains the skin’s turgidity. A number of skin problems can be avoided by drinking adequate amounts of water .