THIS is what happens to your body ONE HOUR after drinking alcohol!
On average, experts say it takes about an hour for your body to break down a unit of alcohol — although that can vary depending on your age, weight, and metabolism. Alcohol can cause physical health problems, including high blood pressure , stroke, liver disease, and cancer .
After you ingest alcohol and it enters your body, the alcohol is absorbed into the blood through your stomach and small intestine. The effects of this can be felt about 10 minutes after drinking it for the first time. The effects will become fully evident after about 30-90 minutes and will then be carried through all the organs in the body.
Most of the breakdown of alcohol from an intoxicant to water and carbon dioxide is carried out by our liver, with the little amount left over being excreted through the lungs, which is why breathing alcohol tests work, with the kidneys as well as the lungs. the sweat.
Our liver can’t do much, which means it can only normally break down around a standard unit of alcohol per hour. The feeling of being drunk really comes when our blood alcohol concentration goes up, which happens when we are drinking more alcohol than our liver can break down.
Some people may find they can drink more than others and feel the effects less, this is due to a number of factors including body type, how recently the person has been eating, how quickly alcohol is consumed, age, gender and how often alcohol is drunk by one person, among others. So, check out The 10 Ways Alcohol Can Affect the Body:
Eyes: Those who are drunk often find that their eyes are immediately affected by blurred or double vision. And they may also notice that they are more prone to accidents and falls, this is because high blood alcohol levels can hamper the thinking process and muscle coordination, which leads to greater clumsiness and can cause difficulty walking. And it is still possible in some cases to notice a slight redness in the eyes and a more droopy look.
Brain: After about an hour, most will notice that their judgment and concentration has been impaired to such an extent that it can lead to drowsiness and, in some situations, a comatose state. Memory loss can also be a result of alcohol consumption, this can occur in occasional heavy binge drinking and is due to alcohol stopping memories from being kept.
Kidneys: As alcohol is a diuretic, it causes water to be lost from the body through the kidneys, ie your urine. This can lead to dehydration. It can boost important minerals like Magnesium and Calcium to be lost through your urine or even vomit. Extremely low levels of some of these elements can cause irregular heartbeats and seizures.
Liver: Because the liver is put to work when you drink, long-term effects can be extreme. Liver disease is prevalent in heavy drinkers and can be fatal without treatment.
Alcohol-related liver disease usually does not cause any symptoms until the liver has been severely damaged. When this happens, symptoms can include feeling sick, weight loss, and loss of appetite.
Stomach: Drinking can cause vomiting, nausea , diarrhea , heartburn , and loss of appetite. People will often experience dehydration after vomiting or having diarrhea .
Lungs: When you are drunk your risk of pneumonia is increased, this is because when you have a high concentration of alcohol in your blood, alcohol can relax your mouth and throat and can stop reflexes like choking and coughing which reduces the capacity of your lungs. to clear any mucus or foreign matter. This can cause vomiting and encourage other substances to enter the lungs and lead to infection.
Mental Health: Alcohol can also immediately affect a person’s mental health. For many, alcohol is used to relax and relieve any stress , however, for some, alcohol can have the opposite, unwanted effect.
The intoxicant can cause mood swings and because of the removal of inhibition, it can cause recklessness that often leads to fights. Speech After about an hour of drinking, some may notice that they are more friendly and talkative, although their speech may start to become slurred.
Pancreas: If you have a particularly heavy session where you drink a lot more than the orientation for your gender, it can lead to low blood sugar which can lead to tremors, dizziness, sweating and if not treated properly, even brain damage.
Sex: As judgment is seriously impaired when drunk, the likelihood of engaging in unsafe sex is dramatically increased. This poses the risk of spreading STDs or even unwanted pregnancies.