The 3 Side Effects of Excessive Peanut Consumption

The Side Effects of Excessive Peanut Consumption That You Shouldn’t Ignore. In addition,  peanuts are a staple food in many parts of the world. They are present in almost every food item, from ice cream to granola bars. Even peanut butter and peanut oil are very much loved. After all, nothing beats a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

However, like all good things, peanuts should be eaten in moderation. Eating too much can have harmful side effects. So, before you grab another bag of peanuts, check out these three side effects of overconsumption. So, check out The 3 Side Effects of Excessive Peanut Consumption.Weight Gain:  Peanuts areknown for their healthy unsaturated fats, which help control cholesterol levels. That doesn’t mean you should go crazy, though.

Although most fats are healthy, there is still a small amount of saturated fat. For example, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter gives you 3 grams, or 24 percent, of your daily requirement.

You get 166 calories from 29 ml of peanuts . For a well-balanced diet, these numbers aren’t bad. But if you eat excessively or have a high-calorie diet, peanuts have provided the weight gain.

The best way to enjoy peanuts is to keep eating them differently. Pair them with low-calorie foods like fruits and salads. Choose peanuts that have no flavor or salt.

High Risk of Contamination:  Peanuts can be easily contaminated. A fungus known as aspergillus flavus can grow on peanuts , making them toxic. The fungus produces aflatoxin, a carcinogen, which can lead to liver cancer. Check the color of the peanuts , if they are green or yellow, do not eat them.

Peanuts are also susceptible to salmonella poisoning. Even if they are organically grown and not loaded with pesticides, peanuts carry a high risk of contamination. So, consume it fresh.

Poor Bone Health:  Did you know that peanuts can help bones? Just 29 ml has 100 mg of phosphorus , a mineral that helps calcium in bones. But if you eat too much, phosphorus and calcium will start building bones in places where they shouldn’t, like your muscles and liver. This will cause weakness, itching, and pain in your joints and bones. Symptoms can also include red eyes.

While this is rare, it can certainly happen if you have a high phosphorus intake . Foods like beef liver, instant pudding, and boxed macaroni and cheese are rich sources. People with kidney problems are at greater risk of phosphorus accumulation.

Adults (men and women) and pregnant or breastfeeding mothers over the age of 18 should consume more than 700 mg of phosphorus daily . However, people aged 9 to 18 should consume 1,250 mg of phosphorus daily.

Allergies:  For some, side effects of excessive peanut consumption include allergic reactions. This is so common that peanuts are actually one of eight food allergens according to various food and health agencies.

In fact, the rate of peanut allergy in children tripled between 1997 and 2010. And only 20% of children outgrow this allergy. There are multiple possibilities for this increase.

Early studies claimed that children, who already had allergic tendencies, developed a peanut allergy because they were exposed to peanuts very early on, long before their digestive systems were fully developed. But recent studies suggest that pregnant women who avoided peanuts could increase the risk of peanut allergy in their newborns.

Severity can range from mild to deadly, so it’s important to be careful. Common symptoms of an allergic reaction include hives, rashes, coughing, swelling, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and difficulty breathing. A combination of these symptoms can occur all at once.

If you have these effects of a peanut allergy, take an antihistamine right away. Drinking cold water can help relieve swelling in your mouth. Symptoms should eventually subside.

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What if they get worse? Consult a physician immediately. Mild symptoms can easily progress to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction.

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