Top 7 Health Foods

The Main Foods for Health  Having a healthy diet reflects not only on the proper functioning of the organism but also on the beauty of hair, nails and skin . Therefore, selecting well what goes into the menu is essential to bring health to the body. According to researchers, there are certain foods considered extremely healthy and including them in everyday life can be the right solution for those who want to have a better quality of life.

Black Pepper: in addition to fiber, it has antioxidant action and helps those who suffer from excess gas. By potentiating the release of hydrochloric acid, it accelerates digestion. “ Pepper has no contraindication, but it is not recommended to exceed the daily amount of two tablespoons. To consume it, add a few pinches to the food”, explains the nutritionist. So Pepper doesn’t stop giving  Main Foods for Health.Basil: This spice is rich in iron, calcium, vitamin C and potassium . It also has flavonoids (orientia and vicetin) capable of protecting cell structures and chromosomes against radiation and damage related to free radicals. That’s why it’s one of the Top Health Foods  because it contains volatile oils ( havol, linalool, cineole, eugenol, sabinene, myrcene and limonene ), basil also restricts the formation of undesirable bacteria.

“It is also a good source of beta- carotene, an antioxidant that protects epithelial cells from damage caused by free radicals. And it contains magnesium, which works to improve blood flow, reducing the risk of cardiac arrhythmias and spasms of the heart muscle or blood vessels”, explains Dr. Gabriel. The seasoning has no contraindication and can be consumed both “in natura” and cooked.

Chili Pepper: For those who don’t know, this pepper has three times more vitamin C than an orange . Capsaicin, one of the main compounds in pepper and which causes the spicy taste, reduces appetite and increases caloric expenditure. Six grams burns about 45 calories.

Pepper also contains vitamins A, B and C , magnesium, iron and amino acid. Not to mention that folic acid and beta-carotene present in food have antioxidant action. “Consumption favors those who have migraines, as it causes the release of endorphins, a natural pain reliever that causes a feeling of well-being. The hotter the pepper, the more endorphin is produced”, says the nutritionist, we have several reasons to include it in the  Main Foods for Health.

Black Rice: the grain is rich in proteins, iron, vitamin E, C and B Complex , in addition to having anthocyanin, an antioxidant pigment that causes the dark color. Because it has more fiber than conventional wholegrain, it improves intestinal functioning, reduces the absorption of fat and cholesterol and causes greater satiety than palpable rice. In bran, this grain can be added to vitamins or milk.

Flaxseed:  The crushed flaxseed is rich in omega 3 and brings enormous benefits to the human body. “Several studies have shown a cardio-protective effect of flaxseed flour, as it is rich in omega-3 , promoting an increase in HDL (good cholesterol) and a reduction in LDL and triglycerides”, explains Leila Froeder, nutritionist at Clinica Vivid.

Strawberries:  They have a large amount of flavonoids, antioxidants that prevent premature aging of cells . “ Strawberry is one of the Main Foods for Health and also prevents the appearance of cancer and the oxidation of LDL (cholesterol considered bad, when in excess) that can generate the ‘atheroma plaque’ or atherosclerosis in the arteries , which cause the heart attack and the stroke”, says Leila.

The first one is basil, which consists of a spice that has nutrients such as vitamin C, iron, potassium and calcium as well as flavonoids and volatile oils such as myrcene and linalool. Due to these characteristics, basil has an important role in combating free radicals due to its action as an antioxidant in addition to preventing the emergence of bacterial infections .

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Olive Oil:  Extravirgin olive oil, in addition to giving a special touch to the menu , prevents diseases. “Olive oil has a potent inhibitor of free radicals, LDL oxidation and also antithrombotic”, says the nutritionist.

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