5 natural ingredients to have white teeth!
The natural ingredients to have white teeth are effective they do not harm your mouth therefore these ingredients are an important issue for many people. Teeth are a very important part of people’s faces and they can make a lasting impression on others.
Also, as always, there are chemical and natural remedies, which we manufacture with natural ingredients that we usually have at home. Natural remedies are often more affordable and have the added benefit of knowing exactly what ingredients you are using.
Here are some very effective ways to get whiter teeth with ingredients you probably already have at home.
Natural Ingredients for White Teeth:
1. Banana:
Among some of the components of banana are potassium and magnesium, which absorb malicious agents such as tartar , which generates the yellow color in the teeth . Also, the best way to use banana for white teeth is to rub the inside of the peel all over your teeth after washing them. Rinse. A good suggestion would be to repeat the process every three days.
2. Strawberries:
Stains on teeth that generate coffee , tea or dyes can be easily dissolved by the acid present in strawberries. If you want whiter teeth we suggest rubbing the puree resulting from grinding 3 strawberries. Apply for 5 minutes. Do not repeat this procedure daily, as the acid can erode your tooth enamel.
3. Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil components adhere to impurities and natural chemical reactions, which dissolve with saliva and dental plaque buildup. Also, the best way to use this natural ingredient for white teeth is to melt some coconut oil and mix it with your usual toothpaste to wash normally.
4. Sodium bicarbonate:
In addition, baking soda is made up of acids that regulate pH, which can prevent bacterial infections and fight stains on your teeth. You can apply it as a scrub, apply it for 5 minutes and rinse. Repeat once a week.
5. Hydrogen peroxide:
Hydrogen peroxide helps fight bad breath , mouth infections and also whitens your teeth . So you can use it as a mouthwash by blowing bubbles for a minute and then normally brushing your teeth with toothpaste.