The 12 Health Benefits of Amora do Mato
Benefits of Blackberry for Blood Pressure: Blackberry is a source of resveratrol , an important flavonoid antioxidant for the regulation of vasoconstriction of blood vessels. It reduces the action of the hormone angiotensin, responsible for raising the pressure in the vessels, and potentiates the production of nitric oxide, a hormone that induces vasodilation.
The fruit is also rich in minerals like Potassium , Magnesium and Manganese , which are important for the proper functioning of blood circulation. This means that the consumption of blackberry can be a great ally in the prevention of heart attacks and vascular accidents.
Beneficio of Amora do Mato To Strengthen the Immune System: Vitamin C , present in abundance in blackberry , is known for its protective action against infectious diseases. Consuming foods rich in Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, as it is a powerful antioxidant that traps free radicals produced by our body in case of stress caused by inflammation, or by chemicals we consume.
Blackberry has almost the same proportion of Vitamin C as orange , with the advantage of having less sugar and more protein. One serving of blackberries is enough to meet the daily need for this vitamin.
Benefits of Amora do Mato For Vision: The retina also suffers from the action of free radicals, which accelerate its aging. The carotenoids present in some foods help to reduce the damage caused by improving vision. Blackberry is rich in zea -xanthin, a carotenoid antioxidant that naturally concentrates in the retina and helps prevent diseases such as cataracts .
Blackberry is a Great Source of Iron: The iron present in blackberry is essential for good blood circulation. It is the main component of hemoglobin, responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood. Finding large amounts of iron in fruit is unusual, so benefit from blackberry to avoid anemia .
Beneficio of Amora do Mato For the Bones: Along with iron , blackberry has essential elements for the regeneration of bone tissue. Vitamin K and Calcium present in blackberries should be consumed regularly, especially by adults and the elderly, to prevent osteoporosis and the natural wear and tear of bones caused by aging.
Benefits of Blackberry for the Heart: Eating blackberry is beneficial for heart health . In addition, it strengthens the nervous system and reduces bad cholesterol, preventing the blockage of blood flow. Therefore, the health benefits of blackberry are highly effective in preventing heart attacks and strokes.
Benefits of Blackberry To Prevent Diabetes: The flavonoids present in blackberry, proved to be beneficial and controls the sugar level. Therefore, wild blackberries are beneficial to avoid the complication of diabetes due to peak sugar level.
Beneficio of Amora do Mato for Weight Loss: In addition to the few calories, the blackberry is rich in vitamins that accelerate the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Vitamins of the B complex and Vitamin K are, therefore, the best allies of a healthy diet. Adding that it is rich in fiber, blackberry goes to the top of the list for breakfast or afternoon snack on a weight loss diet.
And if you are one of the lucky ones to have a blackberry tree in the garden, know that in addition to enjoying these miraculous fruits, you can also use the leaf to help with weight loss. That’s right, blackberry leaf tea is a great ally in weight loss and bowel functioning!
Benefits of Amora do Mato to Combat Aging: As we have already said, blackberry is a complete package of antioxidants. Among the main antioxidants present in mulberry , Vitamin A and Vitamin E should be highlighted for their action on free radicals derived from oxygen. The potential of these antioxidants to neutralize free radicals is also considered to protect against cancer , neurological diseases, inflammation and bacterial infections.
Benefits of Blackberry For Diarrhea: When consumed regularly, blackberry is known to help strengthen your digestive system. Traditionally, mulberry has been used to offer relief to those suffering from diarrhea .
Blackberry Prevent Cancer: Blackberry is a good source of resveratrol, a potent phytonutrient that researchers believe prevents cancer. It contains a high level of antioxidants which prevents the growth of cancer cells.
Benefits of Blackberry For Skin : Anthocyanin and polyphenols are two antioxidants found in abundance in blackberry . These help in fighting free radicals. Collagen made up of Vitamin C and Vitamin A makes mulberry more suitable for the skin. These vitamins also act as antioxidants, regular consumption of blackberry protects the skin against harmful UVA and UVB rays and aids in skin cell renewal.