The 10 Mushroom Side Effects
It has a fruity spore-bearing body. Mushrooms are used in many dishes around the world for their flavor and high nutritional content. They have great aroma too. There are also many poisonous mushrooms , which pose serious risks to your health.
Mushrooms are consumed for their medicinal and nutrient values. They are available in supermarkets. Edible Mushrooms can also cause some Side Effects in certain individuals who suffer from allergies to fungi because they belong to the group of fungi. So, these people should have treatment and avoid consuming Mushrooms in the future after experiencing the first symptoms. So, check out now, The 10 Mushroom Side Effects:
Tiredness: Some individuals may feel tired after consuming Mushrooms . You may also feel discomfort and a lack of energy. This Side Effect has been common among many people.
The Upset Stomach: Some of the Mushrooms also create Stomach problems . In some people, diarrhea has been a problem from consuming mushrooms . The other Stomach problems , which one may experience, are Vomiting, Cramps and Nausea .
Distracted: An individual may also be in a state of hallucination. Hallucination is the state in which an individual becomes distracted. Mushrooms alter the perception of reality after consumption for some time. These Hallucination Mushroom Side Effects are compared to the effect caused by LSD drugs. Individuals experience this effect within twenty minutes of consuming. After half an hour to forty minutes, the effect reaches its peak. Some may also hear louder than normal sounds in their Stomach .
Skin Allergies: Mushroomsare known to strengthen the Immune System . While for some people mushrooms also result in rashes and skin irritations . Some also experience nose bleeds, dry nose and dry throat and other problems when consumed in excessive amounts.
Tingling Sensation: After 20 to 30 minutes of consuming Mushrooms , some people are left with happy and excited feet. Then, along with the feeling of excitement, they also experience a tingling sensation all over their body. After a while people get depressed too.
Avoid Mushroom During Pregnancy: Some doctors suggest that women avoid consuming mushrooms during breastfeeding and pregnancy. While there are no reported serious side effects, it is best to stay on the safe side by avoiding them.
Headache: Certain remedies cause Headaches as Side Effects , which disappear after some time. But some people have experienced such Headaches for more than a day after consuming Mushrooms .
Anxiety: Mushrooms also cause anxiety in certain people, which ranges from mild to extreme levels. This Side Effect gets worse when Mushrooms are taken in high doses.
Mental Illness: Mental illness is the most serious Side Effect caused by consumption of Mushrooms in certain people. Mental disorders such as fear and panic attacks are experienced after eating mushrooms .
Dizziness: Some people have also reported severe dizziness after a few hours of consumption. Mushrooms also cause confusion when consumed in high dosage.
A Word of Caution: Although Mushrooms are rich in Iron , Zinc and other nutrients, it should be consumed in limited amount in our daily routine so as not to experience their Mushroom Side Effects . Of the 40,000 species of mushrooms available in the world today, only 10 percent are safe and edible. Some of the poisonous mushrooms are Amanita pantherina, Entoloma and Chlorophyllum molybdites. Do not wait for symptoms to occur after eating a Toadstool . It is also important to choose the right Mushrooms and cook them well.