The 10 Health Benefits of Poejo Tea

The Health Benefits of Poejo Tea are diverse. In addition, ha of Pennyroyal  has several nutrients that are essential for the health of the body in general. The  is a pennyroyal  , scientific name Mentha pulegium, is a plant commonly found in vegetable gardens and gardens in our country. One of the best known species of the Mentha genus and belonging to the Lamiaceae family, pennyroyal tea  is famous mainly due to its medicinal properties, popularly known for several centuries throughout the Mediterranean and Western Asia.

Benefits of Pennyroyal Tea for Health: Pennyroyal tea has several health properties such as carminative, digestive, vermifuge, expectorant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, emmenagogue action. Tea prepared with pennyroyal leaves is popularly known as an effective expectorant, which is why it is indicated as a home remedy to treat cough , flu and other diseases of the respiratory system . Due to this property and the fact that the aroma it gives off, the plant is also called “lung mint ”.

Benefits of Poejo Tea to Improve Digestion: With its carminative properties, Poejo Tea helps to eliminate gases that are trapped and accumulated in the digestive system. Therefore, pennyroyal tea can be effective in treating problems like flatulence and bloating. In addition, the antispasmodic properties of pennyroyal tea help soothe and alleviate stomach pains.

Benefits of Pennyroyal Tea For Respiratory Health: Thanks to the fact that it has a high content of the organic compound menthol, pennyroyal tea is endowed with expectorant properties and, therefore, pennyroyal tea  can contribute to the elimination of secretions accumulated in the lungs. and help treat problems such as colds , fighting their main symptoms.

Benefits of Pennyroyal Tea to Fight Fever: Because of its sudorific properties, that is, they stylise sweat,  pennyroyal tea  can also be useful to collaborate with the reduction of fever .

Benefits of Pennyroyal Tea to Combat Insomnia: Pennyroyal tea is also sedative and relaxing, which means that it can help relax the body, which is beneficial for getting a better night’s sleep. It can also be used to combat the symptoms of nervousness and help reduce insomnia .

Benefits of Pennyroyal Tea for Menstrual Cramps: Pennyroyal tea can contribute to the relief of discomfort and pain from menstrual cramps . However, it is important to remember that with its emmenagogue properties, the plant increases menstrual flow.

Benefits of Pennyroyal Tea For Wounds: The antiseptic and healing properties of pennyroyal tea can be used for external use in applications and baths. This is to help clean wounds, promote proper healing, and prevent infections .

Benefits of Pennyroyal Tea to Fight Colds and Flu: Pennyroyal tea has many health benefits. It is used in case of flu and colds , for cough and hoarseness. The fluidifying and expectorant power of pennyroyal tea helps to eliminate phlegm.

Benefits of Pennyroyal Tea to Reduce Bloating: Pennyroyal  tea can also help reduce stomach acidity , aiding in the digestive process. In addition, due to its laxative properties, it relieves intestinal gas.

Benefits of Pennyroyal Tea To Relieve Stress: Pennyroyal tea has a strong aroma that makes it useful in relieving stress . Pennyroyal tea is used in various medicines to prevent headaches and to treat depression . Many perfumes and aromatic soaps are also available, which help to uplift the mood. Poejo Tea hasa relaxing effect and a good night’s sleep.

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