The 13 Health Benefits of Cherimoya

The health benefits of cherimoya  are varied, as cherimoya has a large amount of nutrients that are essential for the general health of the body. Furthermore, the cherimoya fruit is a fruit belonging to the Annona cherimola species that is native to South and Central America. This fruit is also known as “the ice cream tree” due to its creamy consistency and a blend of banana , mango , strawberry , coconut , papaya and pineapple flavors . Thus, it is commonly used in smoothie and ice cream, added to fruit salads, or even used as a mousse or pie filling.

The inner part of this fruit starts to turn brown as it ripens, so it cannot be stored for a long time, as the sugars inside will start to ferment. The seeds and bark are inedible as they are extremely toxic. This fruit ranks among the healthiest with its rich nutrition, particularly Vitamin C and antioxidants.

Cherimoya is an excellent source of Vitamin C offering around one fifth of the daily recommended value. In addition to these, it is a good source of carbohydrates, potassium , fiber, several essential vitamins and minerals, as well as being free of cholesterol and saturated fat and low in sodium. Thus, it offers several health benefits. So, check out  The 13 Health Benefits of Cherimoia.

Immunity Enhancement Cherimoya: Cherimoya is rich in Vitamin C which plays an important role in improving the function of the immune system. This nutrient is a powerful natural antioxidant that helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenges harmful free radicals from the body. Thus, it offers immunity against common diseases such as cold and flu, as well as preventing infections.

Cherimoya Possesses Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Cherimoya has a high content of Vitamin C , a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the body from damage by inflammatory free radicals.

Cherimoya Benefit For Cardiovar Health: The well balanced ratio of Sodium and Potassium in cherimoya helps in regulating blood pressure levels and heart rate. In addition, consumption of cherimoya has been shown to reduce bad cholesterol, LDL, and increase the level of good cholesterol, HDL, in the blood. In this way, it improves blood flow to the heart, offering protection against heart attack, stroke and hypertension.

Cherimoya Benefit For Preventing Cancer: The rich antioxidant content in cherimoya provides this fruit with anti-cancer benefits. Cancer cells are formed due to free radicals produced by oxidative stress. These antioxidants neutralize the effect of free radicals.

In addition, cherimoya contains significant amounts of dietary fiber which prevents absorption of cholesterol in the intestine and prevents the colonic mucus membrane from being exposed to toxic substances, thus reducing the risk of colon and liver cancer . It also offers protection against breast cancer.

Cherimoya for Brain Health: Cherimoya fruitis a good source of B vitamins, particularly Vitamin B6 , pyridoxine, which controls the levels of GABA neurochemicals in the brain. Adequate GABA levels soothe irritability, depression and headache ailments. Vitamin B6 also protects against Parkinson’s disease as well as relieves stress and tension. 100 grams of cherimoya fruitcontains around 0.527 mg or 20% of the recommended daily levels of vitamin B6.

Cherimoya Benefits for Osteoporosis: The cherimoya fruit contains calcium which is vital for bone health. In this way, it helps in preventing osteoporosis .

Cherimoya Possesses Cytoprotective Properties: The cherimoya fruit offers cytoprotective benefits for the body as well. Cherimoya fruit extractsimprove the survival of cells in the system by decreasing the body’s release of lactate dehydrogenase, or LDH. High levels of LDH indicate that the cell has been damaged by injury or disease.

Cherimoya is a Great Source of Minerals: Cherimoya contains abundant amounts of potassium , which is required for normal heartbeat and blood pressure, as well as protects against hypertension and stroke. It also supports metabolism and bowel movement by getting enough fiber.

In addition to Potassium , cherimoya also contains other minerals such as Magnesium , Sodium , Zinc , and Manganese . This fruit is devoid of saturated fat and cholesterol, and low in sodium.

Cherimoya is Rich in Antioxidants: Cherimoya contains several polyphenolic antioxidants, the most prominent being annonaceous acetogenins. Acetogenin compounds are powerful cytotoxins possessing anti-cancer, anti-malarial and anthelminthic properties. It is rich in Vitamin C which acts as a natural antioxidant by protecting against free radicals.

Cherimoya Possesses Medicinal Properties: Being rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, this fruit can help in curing diseases like decalcifications, diabetes , stomach contractions, constipation, intestinal transit problems, anemia , hypertension, stomach cramps and other related problems. .

Cherimoya Benefits in Maintaining Healthy Skin: As mentioned before, cherimoya fruit has a high content of Vitamin C , which is vital for maintaining healthy and glowing skin. Being a natural antioxidant, Vitamin C  helps in wound healing and collagen production, which is necessary for skin formation. Signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles, as well as pigmentation are a result of damage caused by the action of free radicals. The Vitamin C in cherimoya can fight the body’s free radicals hence giving you healthy and flawless skin.

Cherimoya Benefits For Hair : Just like the skin, Vitamin C is also vital for hair health and prevents free radical damage that affects hair as well.

Benefit of Cherimoia for Lice Treatment: The unripe fruit can be dehydrated and powdered. This can be applied to the hair to get rid of lice.

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