Top 10 Symptoms of Insomnia!
The Main Symptoms of Insomnia that many ignore. In addition, to end insomnia attacks, you should adopt good sleep habits, such as falling asleep at the same time every day and not taking naps throughout the day. However, if you continue to have difficulty sleeping for more than 3 nights a week, the doctor may recommend taking medication for Insomnia or to combat Anxiety , such as Zolpidem or Trazadone, for example. So, check out Top 10 Symptoms of Insomnia:
What is Insomnia: Insomnia is a persistent disorder that impairs a person’s ability to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night. People with Insomnia often start the day feeling tired, have mood problems and lack of energy, and have poor work or school performance because of this disorder.
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The person’s quality of life, in general, is usually compromised by Insomnia . Many adults experience insomnia at some point in their lives, but some people have chronic insomnia , which can last for a much longer period of time than normal. Insomnia can also be a secondary disorder caused by other reasons, such as illness or medication misuse.
Causes of Insomnia: In most cases, Insomnia is of the psychophysiological type, in which predisposing factors are involved, such as an increased level of alertness and vigilance, even at night; triggering factors such as job change, loss of a loved one, family and personal conflict situations, etc.
Stress: Worries related to work, studies, health or family can keep your mind active at night, making it difficult to fall asleep. Stress -inducing events, such as the death or illness of a loved one, divorce or job loss, can also trigger episodes of Insomnia .
Anxiety : Daily anxiety as well as severe anxiety disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder can disrupt sleep. Worrying about how difficult it will be to sleep can also lead to Insomnia more easily.
Depressão: Uma pessoa com depressão pode dormir mais do que o normal e pode também não conseguir dormir, simplesmente. Insônia é comum em casos de depressão.
Sintomas de Insônia:
- Dificuldade para adormecer à noite
- Despertar durante a noite
- Despertar muito cedo
- Não se sentir descansado após uma noite de sono
- Cansaço ou sonolência diurna
- Irritabilidade, depressão ou ansiedade
- Dificuldade para prestar atenção, concentrar-se em tarefas ou se lembrar de alguma coisa importante
- Aumento do risco de acidentes
- Dores de cabeça localizadas
- Problemas gastrointestinais
- Preocupações contínuas com o sono
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NOTE: A person with Insomnia can often take 30 minutes or more to fall asleep and can sleep for as little as six hours or less starting three nights a week for more than three months.