Top 15 Symptoms of Thyroid Problems!

The main symptoms of thyroid problems are very easy to identify, as the thyroid is a gland that controls metabolism, it is responsible for many important bodily and hormonal functions, including weight regulation and body temperature.

When something is wrong with your thyroid, it usually means your hormone production will be out of whack. This can translate into some common, often overlooked physical symptoms like weight gain, fatigue , and dry skin , among others.

And it’s not just for women. Although thyroid disease is more common in women, thanks to the presence of estrogen, men can be diagnosed as well. So stay tuned for the main  symptoms of thyroid problems.

If you’ve been ignoring these symptoms, now is the time to start paying attention. Your thyroid is not just responsible for your metabolism ; plays a role in the function of vital organs, including the heart, brain , liver and kidneys.

But don’t just take our word for it, be sure to visit a doctor to confirm whether or not something is wrong with this important butterfly-shaped gland. The only real way to know for sure if you have hypothyroid disease is to have your doctor perform a test.

Main symptoms of thyroid problems :

1. Dry skin:

It could be the weather or it could be a thyroid problem. Dry skin is a symptom of hypothyroidism, where the thyroid is not producing enough thyroid hormone.

This can cause metabolism to slow down and reduce sweating, which can dry out the skin. Your nails can also become dry and brittle.

2. Heart palpitations:

When you have hyperthyroidism, where the thyroid produces too much thyroid hormone, it speeds up metabolism and other body systems. One of the side effects is a rapid heartbeat and heart palpitations.

3. Weight gain:

If you have an overactive thyroid, this can slow down your metabolism and lead to weight gain. This is one of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism . If you’ve noticed weight gain along with fatigue and dry skin , be sure to visit your doctor to get tested for hypothyroidism .

4. Anxiety:

An overactive thyroid affects more than just metabolism and heart rate; it can also affect your mood. Although an overproduction of thyroid hormone speeds up the body’s systems.

It can create feelings of jitters, nervousness and anxiety. In addition to visiting your doctor, avoid the 15 foods that make your depression or anxiety worse.

5. Constipation:

While you might not think bowel movements and the thyroid are related, constipation is a common symptom of hypothyroidism and is often overlooked. If you find yourself going to the bathroom much less often than usual, it could be an underactive thyroid.

6. Diarrhea:

On the other hand, an often overlooked symptom of an overactive thyroid is frequent bowel movements and diarrhea . As more thyroid hormone production increases your body’s systems, your Gastric tract is one of them.

7. Constant cold:

As your thyroid controls your metabolism and thyroid hormone, it also regulates your body temperature. An underactive thyroid can result in a cooler than normal body temperature. If you are constantly feeling cold, it could be an indicator to have your thyroid checked.

8. Tiredness:

While weight gain is the most common symptom associated with an overactive thyroid, fatigue is another common result of hypothyroidism . On the other hand, fatigue can also be a symptom of hyperthyroidism.

Fatigue is often common as your body is working at a higher rate. So if you’re tired all the time, it’s a good idea to get your thyroid checked to find out what exactly is wrong.

9. Losing hair:

Hair loss is not just a sign of aging; could be a symptom of hyperthyroidism. Like fatigue , it’s the result of your body running at a higher rate. Hence, it is one of the main symptoms of thyroid problems.

10. Slow heart rate:

Just as an overactive thyroid can speed up your heart rate and cause palpitations, a lack of thyroid hormone can slow down your body’s functions, including your heart rate. It is a possible but often overlooked physical effect.

11. Forgetting things:

If you constantly get lost in your keys or forget about appointments, it could be more than just stress or lack of sleep. Your distraction may be due to hypothyroidism . Hence, it is one of the main symptoms of thyroid problems.

When your body doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone, it also affects cognitive function, including memory. Forgetfulness is actually one of the 10 signs you have an underactive thyroid.

12. Tremors:

When your thyroid is in overdrive, producing more thyroid hormone than average, it speeds up your metabolism and other functions in your body. This can reflect physical symptoms such as hand tremors and muscle weakness in the thighs and arms.

A form of hyperthyroidism called Graves’ disease can lead to tremors as well as enlarged or enlarged eyes. If you have any of these symptoms, you can have your TSH levels checked by your doctor.

13. Depression:

Similar to forgetfulness, less thyroid hormone production can slow down body functions, including cognitive function. An underactive thyroid can cause depression, drowsiness, and mental confusion. Hence, it is one of the main symptoms of thyroid problems.

14. Too much menstruation:

With hypothyroidism , where there is less production of the thyroid hormone, it can also affect other hormones in the body, particularly in women.

If you notice that your periods are longer, more frequent, have a heavier flow, or are experiencing more cramping than usual, it could be a sign of an underactive thyroid.

15. Little menstruation:

On the other hand, missed periods, very distant and extremely light menstrual cycles can be signs of hyperthyroidism . Hence, it is one of the main symptoms of thyroid problems.

Any major changes in your menstrual cycle could be a sign of a thyroid problem, so you should see your doctor.

One must know the body and the normal ebb and flow of function. If things are changing, check it out. Your doctor can help you rule out a thyroid disorder with a TSH test.

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