Strawberry juice with coconut water for weight loss: how to make, use and recipes

Strawberry juice with coconut water  is a good healthy juice alternative, as well as helping to lose weight with health.

Detox juices have been a great success, because they are delicious, healthy and detonate that hunger at no time.

But detox juices can be even more useful in your daily life.

In addition to feeding, they can play the role of detoxifying the body.

Thinking about it, we selected this powerful recipe for you to feed yourself, promoting that basic cleaning in toxins.

This will improve the functions of various organs, rid the heart of  cholesterol  and promote healthy weight loss.

Mix whisk and drink these delights!

Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut water , in addition to being very tasty, also has a benefit in fighting cholesterol.

It can be used as a diuretic, as it is harmless and rich in potassium salts, it is indicated in cases of diarrhea, vomiting or even dehydration.

Coconut water is an excellent treatment for high blood pressure, heart problems, cramps, muscle weakness, headaches and malaise.

Flaxseed benefits

The benefits of  flaxseed include defending the body and delaying the aging of cells, allowing you to keep your skin always beautiful.

Flaxseed   is the richest source of  omega -3  in nature and its use provides health maintenance and a better quality of life.

  • Flaxseed  improves  constipation ; _ 
  • Flaxseed   helps control blood sugar ;
  • Flaxseed  helps to  lower  cholesterol  because it is rich in  fiber  and  omega-3  that lower   bad cholesterol ;
  • Flaxseed   helps to lose weight ;
  • Flaxseed  helps to  reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Flaxseed  helps to  reduce inflammation in the body, as it is very rich in  omega-3 ;
  • Flaxseed   helps to lessen the symptoms of PMS and  Menopause as it has good amounts of isoflavone, phytosteroid and lignan, which control female hormones.

Strawberry Benefits

Strawberry  is also  a fruit rich in antioxidants, such as anthocyanins and ellagic acid, which provide other health benefits:

  • Combats skin aging;
  • Helps prevent cardiovascular disease;
  • Improves mental capacity;
  • Prevents  cancer ;
  • Help fight inflammation.

Benefit of Oats

Oats  are a cereal  that does not contain gluten, and can be consumed even by people with gluten sensitivity or intolerance, and the benefits of  oats  are:

  • Oatmeal helps to regulate the   intestines and relieve constipation, as it is rich in fiber;
  • Oats   help to reduce bad cholesterol, due to the presence of betaglobulin fiber ;
  • Oatmeal helps to prevent the   rapid rise in blood glucose, being excellent for diabetics and pre-diabetics;
  • Oatmeal  helps prevent colon cancer, as it contains phytic acid, a substance that improves the health of intestinal cells ; 
  • Oatmeal  helps to reduce  appetite, as it is rich in soluble fiber.

benefits of orange

Orange is a citrus fruit rich in vitamin C , which has the following benefits for the body:

benefits of ginger

Ginger  is a root that can be used in teas or zest that can be added to water, juices, yogurts or salads.

The health benefits of ginger   are mainly for:

  • Ginger helps  with weight loss,
  • Ginger accelerating  metabolism,
  • Ginger relaxes the  gastrointestinal system,
  • Ginger prevents nausea and  vomiting.

Acerola benefits

Acerola is a fruit that can be used as a medicinal plant due to the high concentration of vitamin C.

Acerola fruits , in addition to being tasty, are very nutritious, because they are also very rich in vitamin A , B vitamins, iron and calcium .

Acerola is beneficial for:

  • Pulmonary affections;
  • Acerola helps in the treatment of dysentery;
  • Wound healing;
  • Fatigue;
  • Gripes;
  • Nose and gingival bleeding;
  • Acerola is indicated in the diet of malnourished people and those recovering from physical wear and tear;
  • Irritability;
  • Acerola minimizes muscle and joint pain;
  • Rheumatism.
  • Acerola is beneficial in the treatment of anemia;

Strawberry juice with coconut water recipe for weight loss

1. Strawberry juice with coconut water


Preparation mode

  • Combine all ingredients and blend in blender.
  • Drink right away.

2. Strawberry juice with skimmed milk and oatmeal


  • 1 cup (250 ml) skimmed milk
  • 1 tablespoon of wheat germ
  • Strawberries
  • 2 tablespoons of  rolled oats
  • Vanilla essence to taste

Preparation mode:

  • Blend everything in a blender and drink right away, without sweetening.

3. Strawberry Juice with Grape Jelly


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 envelope of 12 g of unsweetened grape gelatin (strawberry or passion fruit)

Preparation mode

  • Heat half of the water put it in the fridge
  • If it hardens, remove from the fridge 5 minutes of drinking to get the consistency of juice.

4. Strawberry juice with orange and oatmeal


Preparation mode

  • Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  • If you need to sweeten the drink, prefer a small amount of honey or stevia-based sweeteners.
  • Strain (if you prefer).
  • Drink then.
  • Take in the morning.
  • Once a day.

5. Strawberry Juice with Ginger and Parsley


  • 10 Strawberries
  • 1 slice of Ginger
  • parsley leaves
  • ½ glass of water
  • Stevia (optional)

Preparation mode

  • Put the ingredients in the blender.
  • Blend well, garnish and serve immediately.

6. Strawberry juice with chia and apple


Preparation mode

  • Blend all ingredients in a blender adding water until you get the desired consistency.
  • Strain and serve immediately.

7. Strawberry Juice with Raspberry Jelly


  • 10 Strawberry
  • 1 tablespoon of skimmed milk powder
  • 200ml of skimmed natural yogurt
  • 1 ready-made diet/light raspberry jello
  • ice to taste

Preparation mode

  • Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  • Serve immediately.

8. Strawberry juice with broccoli bouquet


  • 2 chopped kale leaves
  • 2 chopped brussels sprouts leaves
  • 1 bunch of cauliflower
  • 1 bunch of broccoli
  • 4 grated carrots
  • 1 small apple (or other fruit of your choice)
  • 1 teaspoon of flaxseed
  • 1 large glass (250ml) coconut water

Preparation mode

  • Blend all ingredients in a blender and add ice to taste.
  • Drink, preferably without sweetening.

9. Strawberry juice with cabbage and lettuce


  • 10 strawberries
  • 1 cabbage leaf
  • 1 lettuce leaf
  • 1 cup (200ml) orange juice
  • 1 piece of ginger

Preparation mode

  • Blend all ingredients in a blender and add ice to taste.
  • Drink, preferably without sweetening.

10. Strawberry Juice with Ginger and Flaxseed


Preparation mode

  • Combine all the ingredients in the blender jar.
  • Whisk until a homogeneous mixture is formed.
  • Serve cold.

11. Strawberry Juice with Lemon and Mint


  • 300 ml of water,
  • Strawberry s,
  • 1 stalk of celery,
  • juice of 1 lemon ,
  • mint to taste,
  • Sweetener (optional).

Preparation mode

  • Blend everything in a blender until smooth.
  • If desired, strain.
  • Serve cold.

Note : To really achieve good results it is necessary that you maintain a balanced and healthy diet.

To maximize the results, don’t forget to practice some  physical activity .

Going for a walk every day is a good start.

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