5 steps to regulate your thyroid naturally!
The steps to regulate your thyroid naturally and effectively. as the thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, and is one of the endocrine glands that produce hormones that control the rhythm of many activities in the body and so the thyroid plays an important role in the body. Many thyroid problems can be treated without surgery. The treatment chosen by the doctor will depend on the condition.
Did you know that thyroid problems such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism affect an estimated 20 million Americans? This disease has symptoms like: weight gain or loss , hypertension , fatigue , sweating and constipation . However, its most serious consequence, if not treated in time, is thyroid cancer .
Among the causes that can cause an imbalance in the functioning of the thyroid are iodine deficiency or nutritional, autoimmune disease or Plummer’s disease, which affects the production of hormones. Other common conditions that cause thyroid problems are pregnancy, inflammation, physical , mental and emotional stress , and environmental toxins.
To regulate your thyroid naturally , there is an ancient Tibetan practice that regulates thyroid hormone levels in a few simple steps. This method is based on opening the flow of energy through the thyroid gland which can balance the conditions of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism as the flow regulates the balance.
Keep in mind that constant practice of this method is necessary to maintain this balance. To practice this method, you must follow 5 simple steps.
Steps to regulate your thyroid naturally:
Step 1.
Rub your palms together to warm them up, then place your hands where the thyroid gland is located, holding them for 10 minutes.
Step 2.
Swallow the saliva that is in your mouth and take a sip of water three times in a row.
Step 3.
Exhale and, as you exhale, tilt your head and firmly place your chin on your chest as much as possible, holding it for a few seconds without inhaling.
When you start to inhale, take a deep breath, lift your head and tighten your neck muscles as much as possible. Place your lower lip on your upper lip and continue when you lift your head. Hold your head in first position for a few seconds and then exhale by lowering your chin towards your chest.
Step 4.
With your head on your chest, slowly tilt your head to the left and then to the right, without lifting your chin to your chest. This creates an excellent massage of the thyroid gland.
Step 5.
Lift your head while inhaling and repeat the process from step 3 about 10 times.
Practicing some relaxation therapy, such as yoga, meditation or taichi, is very good for regulating thyroid function , especially if the problem was caused by trauma, a major depression or bad news. In turn, this will bring benefits in your daily life, not just as it pertains to this gland.