See what causes stretch marks and how to get rid of them in 15 days

See what causes stretch marks and how to eliminate them in 15 days in the most effective and healthy way. Furthermore, the skin is made up of three main layers: epidermis (the outer layer), dermis (the middle layer) and subcutaneous or hypodermis (the deepest layer). Stretch marks form in the  dermis when connective tissue is “stretched” beyond the limits of its elasticity due to rapid expansion or contraction of the skin from sudden growth or weight gain.

Stretch marks are  caused when the dermis is stretched so quickly that it tears. Abrupt stretching causes the dermis to tear which allows deeper layers of the skin to show through, forming stretch marks .

Stretch marks are also called Striae distensae, SD, Striae , Striae atrophicus, and Striae gravidarum. These are dermal scars or disfiguring lesions characterized by flattening and atrophy (wear and tear or degeneration) of the epidermis (the outermost layer of the skin).

Stretch marks are linear, smooth skin that, depending on skin color, can appear red or purple and fade over time to leave whitish or silvery marks. See also  how to end stretch marks in a simple, fast and definitive way

Stretch marks are long, narrow streaks that are visible on the surface of the skin as a result of sudden stretching of the skin. Occurring in 40-90% of women, stretch marks appear after rapid or repeated stretching of the skin over weak connective tissue. This type of dermatological scarring is particularly challenging and tends to occur in:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Puberty;
  • Obesity;
  • Rapid weight gain;
  • Weightlifting;
  • Numerous medical conditions;
  • Some therapeutic interventions.

Those who practice bodybuilding suffer a lot from stretch marks , the search for a perfect body has consequences, usually men and women undergo the use of steroids, muscle supplements and drugs to gain muscle mass.

When all this is associated with the elevation of overloads, the muscle ends up growing and defining itself, generating the stretching of the skin causing the degeneration of the fibers, losing their elasticity. See also  how to end stretch marks in a simple, fast and definitive way

This ability that causes the skin to stretch and return to normal, when the fibers do not have enough collagen they break and blood floods in this fiber and thus the red stretch marks appear and over time they become white. So,  Here’s What Causes Stretch Marks and How to Eliminate Them in 15 Days:

Home Treatment for Stretch Marks:



1- Before implementing this beauty trick to remove stretch marks , a good idea is to exfoliate the skin of the body so that the ingredients will be absorbed more easily.

2- To perform this action, you can make use of natural exfoliating, which will allow you to remove dead cells in a practical and very economical way.

3- After you have exfoliated your body, cut the potato into several slices.

4- Then, break the  lemon in two and squeeze each of its pieces to turn them into juice.

5- Put the lemon juice in a bowl, dip a potato slice in the juice and rub it all over the areas where you have stretch marks .

6- After rubbing the potato with lemon , leave the compound to dry and remove it with plenty of water after about 15 minutes.

7- Potato and lemon are two perfect natural ingredients that renew the skin and restore its beauty.

8-Put this trick into practice at home 2 times a week until the stretch marks  start to disappear.

Ultimately, stretch marks  cannot always be prevented, but there are some important measures that significantly reduce the risk:

  • Maintain a healthy weight;
  • Drink lots of water;
  • Eliminate sodas and refined sugar;
  • Avoid yo-yo dieting;
  • Eat plenty of dark green vegetables, as they are important allies in the fight against cellulite ;
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals – particularly Vitamin A and Vitamin C and the minerals Zinc and Silicon for healthy skin; See also  how to end stretch marks in a simple, fast and definitive way
  • Aim for slow, gradual weight gain during pregnancy.
  • Do not smoke or consume alcoholic beverages;
  • Do physical exercises regularly;
  • Do not wear tight/fitting clothes, as they hinder blood and lymphatic circulation.

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