Pineapple Juice with Pink Pepper and Mint to Strengthen Bones (and How to Make It)

Pineapple juice with pink pepper and mint is a good healthy juice alternative, as well as helping to strengthen bones.

The famous detox juices, have been making the biggest success and it is not by chance.

In addition to being hydrating and tasty, detox juices in general have a detoxifying action, that is, they help our body  to eliminate  toxins , thus increasing well-being and helping to prevent numerous diseases.

Benefits of Pineapple

Pineapple  is a tropical  fruit from the citrus fruit family, such as  orange  and  lemon , which are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, which are essential to ensure health.

This fruit can be consumed fresh or in the form of preserves, being added in various preparations such as juices, desserts and sweets.

Regular consumption of pineapple  has the following health benefits:

  • Pineapple   acts as an anti-inflammatory, as it is rich in bromelain ,
  • Pineapple  helps  prevent heart disease and cancer, as it is rich in vitamin C ,
  • Pineapple  helps  reduce the risk of thrombosis, as it contains bromelain and antioxidants,
  • Pineapple  helps relieve joint  pain by acting as an anti-inflammatory,
  • Pineapple  helps in weight  loss, as it is rich in water and fiber, which increase satiety,
  • Pineapple  improves  skin and hair health, as it contains vitamin C and beta-carotene,
  • Pineapple  helps to reduce  post-workout muscle pain, as it is anti-inflammatory and favors muscle recovery.

Hibiscus benefits

Long used as a medicinal tea in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, Hibiscus tea has been discovered by the rest of the world thanks to the many benefits it brings to health.

In addition to being rich in antioxidant compounds , the drink prepared with the calyx of the plant known as Hibiscus sabdariffa has a diuretic action and can be a great ally for weight loss.

Check out these and other benefits of Hibiscus Juice  and also learn how to take the tasty infusion for better results.

Hibiscus juice is pink in color and has a pleasant flavor – close to raspberry – and, unlike most juices, it is served cold.

In addition to these benefits, Hibiscus also has other health benefits, check out:

  • Hibiscus Juice helps promote a reduction in abdominal fat
  • Hibiscus Juice Helps Protect Against Diabetes
  • Hibiscus Juice Helps Reduce Blood Pressure
  • Hibiscus juice helps with digestion
  • Hibiscus juice helps prevent cancer
  • Hibiscus Juice Helps Protect the Liver
  • Hibiscus Juice Helps Reduce Menstrual Cramps
  • Hibiscus Juice Helps Strengthen the Immune System

benefits of broccoli

Broccoli  is a vegetable very rich in nutrients and minerals that has numerous health benefits, especially for digestion, cardiovascular system and immune system, being able to prevent inflammatory diseases and even cancer.

As it has few calories,  broccoli  can be used in any type of diet, even for those who want to gain muscle mass, as it is rich in proteins.
lowers cholesterol,

  • Broccoli  helps  to prevent against cardiovascular diseases,
  • Broccoli  helps  facilitate digestion,
  • Broccoli  helps to prevent  constipation,
  • Broccoli  helps protect the eyes , 
  • Broccoli  helps prevent joint  problems,
  • Broccoli  helps prevent the emergence of cancer . 

Lettuce benefits

Lettuce is a vegetable rich in fiber and easy to include in the  daily diet, being responsible for bringing health benefits such as helping to lose weight and controlling blood glucose, as it is rich in fibers that give satiety and decrease the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine.

This leaf can be easily planted at home, just needing a small pot and plenty of sunlight to grow.

Following are all the health benefits that  lettuce  brings:

  • Lettuce   helps you lose weight, as it contains few calories and is rich in fibers that increase the feeling of satiety ;
  • Lettuce helps fight insomnia, as it has   calming properties,
  • Lettuce  helps fight  constipation, as it is rich in fiber,
  • Lettuce  helps prevent anemia, as it contains folic acid , 
  • Lettuce  helps  prevent cancer, as it is rich in antioxidants,
  • Lettuce  helps maintain bone health, as it contains vitamin K , 
  • Lettuce helps in controlling diabetes as it helps to lower the   glycemic index of meals.

Benefits of Mango

The benefits of Mango  are due to the presence of vitamin A, antioxidants, fiber and enzymes in this fruit.

Mango is a low-calorie fruit, as 100 g of mango has only 52 calories.

The benefits of Mango  can be:

  • Mango strengthens the   immune system, helping to prevent infections;
  • Mango   improve vision ;
  • Mango  protects  cells by having antioxidants, such as carotenes,
  • helping to prevent cancer;
  • Mango   improves skin health ;
  • Mango fights   constipation;
  • Mango  improves digestion . 

Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut  water , in addition to being very tasty, also has a benefit in fighting cholesterol.

It can be used as a diuretic, as it is harmless and rich in potassium salts, it is indicated in cases of diarrhea, vomiting or even dehydration.

Coconut water  is an excellent treatment in cases of high blood pressure, heart problems, cramps, muscle weakness, headaches and malaise.

Benefits of Celery

Celery  has several health benefits due to its diuretic, expectorant, laxative, tonic properties and is rich in flavonoids, vitamins and minerals that strengthen immune defenses and metabolism.

As a diuretic,  celery  eliminates toxins accumulated in the body, fights swelling and helps to lose weight.

Celery  is rich  in water, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins B and C.

Pineapple Juice with Pink Pepper and Mint Recipe to Strengthen Bones

1. Pineapple juice with pink pepper and mint


  • 1 thick slice of pineapple;
  • 1 cup (tea) ice water;
  • 2 spoons of chopped mint;
  • 1 teaspoon of pink pepper.

Preparation mode

Blend all ingredients in a blender. Strain and serve.

2. Pineapple juice with hibiscus and grape 


  • 2 glasses (500ml) of water
  • 5 heaping tablespoons of dried hibiscus flower
  • ice to taste
  • 2 cups (500ml) red grape juice (natural, no added sugar)
  • Pure juice of 2 lemons
  • mint to taste

Preparation mode

  • Heat the water to just before boiling point.
  • Turn off the heat, add the hibiscus, cover the pan and leave for 5 minutes.
  • After that, cover and add some ice cubes, until the tea cools down completely.
  • In a glass jar add the grape juice, the juice of 1 lemon, the cooled tea, the other lemon in slices and the mint sprigs.
  • Leave in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
  • Add more ice to taste when serving.

3. Pineapple Juice with Ginger 


Preparation mode

  • Combine all ingredients and blend in blender.
  • Drink right away.

4. Pineapple juice with chlorophyll and coconut water


Preparation mode

  • Combine all ingredients and blend in blender.
  • Drink right away.

5. Cashew apple juice with yogurt and amaranth


  • 1 cashew without shell
  • 1 tablespoon amaranth flakes
  • ½ pot of plain yogurt
  • 2 lettuce leaves
  • 2 broccoli flowers
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • ½ glass of water

Preparation mode

  • Blend all ingredients except honey in a blender.
  • Then use honey to sweeten to taste.
  • Always take in the morning or with the last meal at night.
  • Take only once a day for 20 days.

6. Mango juice with rye and celery


  • 2 tablespoons of rye
  • 1 manga
  • 1 cup of coconut water
  • 1 stalk of aipo
  • 1 tablespoon of ginger

Preparation mode

  • Blend all ingredients in a blender and drink immediately.
  • Always take it in the morning or with your last meal at night.
  • Take it only once a day for 5 days.

7. Cherry juice with celery and carrots


  • 1 chopped aipo stalk
  • 2 medium carrots chopped
  • 5 pitted cherries
  • ¼ bunch of chopped kale

Preparation mode

  • Pass the ingredients through a food processor and drink the extracted juice.
  • If desired, blend everything in a blender with a little water.

8. Almond juice with soy milk


  • 1 cup of chilled coconut water
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered soy milk
  • 2 chopped carrots
  • 3 almonds

Preparation mode

  • Put coconut water and soy milk in almonds, with plenty of calcium, they are important sources of these minerals that strengthen bones, prevent osteoporosis and muscle.

9. Cassava juice with rye and coconut water


  • ½ cup of milk or coconut water
  • 2 cups of cassava (cassava)
  • 2 cups of water (tea)
  • ½ cup (tea) brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of rye

Preparation mode

  • Cook the cassava until it is very soft, and let it cool.
  • Blend in a blender with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Refrigerate before drinking.

10. Avocado juice with watercress and sesame


Preparation mode

  • Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  • If necessary, sweeten with honey or stevia and add ice.
  • drink then

Note : To really achieve good results it is necessary that you maintain a balanced and healthy diet.

To maximize the results, don’t forget to practice some physical activity.

Going for a walk every day is a good start.

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