Obesity – What is it, Causes and Treatments!
Obesity – What it is, Causes and Treatments . Also, people with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more are considered obese. The term “ Obesity ” is used to describe the health status of anyone significantly above their ideal healthy weight . Don’t be put off by the term. This simply means that you are 20% or more above your ideal weight, and you are not alone.
Nearly 70% of American adults are overweight or obese. Being obese puts you at greater risk for health problems such as heart disease , stroke, high blood pressure , diabetes , and more.
What is Obesity? Obesity is the accumulation of fat in the body, almost always caused by an excessive consumption of calories in food, higher than the value used by the body for its maintenance and performance of day-to-day activities. In other words, obesity occurs when food intake is greater than the corresponding energy expenditure.
Excess fat can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes , heart disease, high blood pressure , arthritis , sleep apnea, and stroke. Because of the risk involved, it’s good for you to lose weight even if you’re not feeling sick right now. It is difficult to change your eating habits and exercise . But if you plan, you can do it.
When you eat more calories than you expend, you gain weight . What you eat and the activities you do throughout the day influence this. If your family members are obese, you are more likely to be too.
In addition, the family also helps in the formation of eating habits. A busy life also makes it more difficult to plan meals and eat healthy. For many, it’s easier to buy ready-to-eat meals and eat out. There are no short term solutions to obesity . The secret to losing weight is eating fewer calories than you expend.
Main Causes of Obesity Are: Excessive consumption of calories; Lack of physical activity to consume calories; Have a greater ease (tendency) to accumulate fat; Having more difficulty burning calories . To explain the rise in obesity , one must also understand the modern lifestyle.
When we list the causes of Obesity , we can give the false impression that people gain weight due to sheer lack of care, which is not entirely true. The modern lifestyle, especially that practiced in large cities, contributes a lot to this situation.
When humans lived by hunting and gathering like most animals, food was not guaranteed all the time, as it is today for most people. The human body stores fat when we eat more than we need to use in times when food is lacking. We also spent a good part of those calories consumed looking for food.
A middle-class worker eats at least three large meals a day and practically no physical activity . He spends most of his day sitting or doing small commutes. The so-called modern sedentary life is pointed out as one of the main causes of Obesity .
Obesity Treatment: As obesity is caused by an energy intake that exceeds the body’s expenditure, the simplest form of treatment is to adopt a healthier lifestyle, with lower calorie intake and increased physical activities. This change not only causes weight reduction and obesity reversal , but also facilitates the maintenance of a healthy condition.
- Medicines: The use of medicines contributes in a modest and temporary way in the case of Obesity , and they should never be used as the only form of treatment. Most of the substances used act on the brain and can cause serious adverse reactions, such as: nervousness, insomnia , increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, dry mouth and constipation. One of the most worrying risks of obesity drugs is becoming addicted. Therefore, the drug treatment of obesity must be strictly monitored and restricted to some types of patients.
- Bariatric Surgery: People with morbid obesity and comorbidities such as diabetes and hypertension may choose to have stomach reduction surgery to control their weight and come out of obesity. There are four different bariatric surgery techniques for Obesity recognized by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM): Adjustable Gastric Band, Vertical Gastrectomy. The choice of surgery will depend on the patient’s condition, the degree of obesity and related diseases.