Tips for Getting Started with Exercises
#1 Tip for Getting Started with Exercise: Whatever the Physical Activity, Don’t Overdo it: Studies show that the most common cause of injury is aggressive exercise — the ‘too soon’ syndrome! Even if you consider yourself in good physical shape, you should start any exercise with low intensity and gradually increase over a few weeks in gym classes, don’t feel obligated to do the same number of repetitions determined by the trainer, or lift predetermined weights. you don’t have to rigidly follow the instructor and other practitioners. If a particular class makes Exercises too difficult for you, substitute easier ones.
2# Tip To Start Exercising: Set Realistic Exercise Goals: Setting goals is one of the top Tips To Start Exercising. Yeah, goals you know you can meet (“I’m going to ride a bike 80km this week”) and not vacancies (I really think I should increase my Exercises this week”)
News of the week:
- Anvisa releases fat-sucking pill for people over 30 years old
- Exclusive: Teacher reveals how she eliminated cellulite, sagging and wrinkles…
- Experts: Suffering from hair loss? put an end to it today…
3# Tip for Getting Started with Exercise: “Without pain, nothing is achieved” is a myth: Exercises require some effort, but not discomfort„ If you go to a gym and your instructor says exercise should hurt or “burn; be suspicious. In fact, pain is an alert state that you should not ignore, if you feel a persistent pain, you should stop and do not repeat the exercise, unless: unless you are able to do it again without pain, If the pain is in the chest or in the neck area, see a doctor immediately The pain that normally occurs in the muscles after physical exercises is also a problem and indicates that you are not warming up enough or you are exercising hard and for too long. the muscles sore ones should not make you stop but go slower;
4# Tip for Getting Started with Exercises: Use of Appropriate Shoes: Wearing inappropriate or very worn shoes contributes to stress on the hips, knees, heels and feet, which are the most injured places due to physical exercises (about 90%), You should wear specific shoes for the activity you practice and replace them before they wear out too much. With frequent use, these shoes can lose a third or more of their shock-absorbing power in a matter of months. The loss of the padded part, between the lower sole and the upper part; occurs much earlier than the others that still show no signs of wearing out.
5# Tip To Start Doing Exercises: Movement Control: If you can’t control your movements at least you should go slower. Very fast and jerky movements strain the joints. Instead, when moving your limbs, you should keep your muscles contracted and move them as if you were pushing against some resistance (as if you were squeezing or pressing a large beach buoy, lift or pushing a weight),
6# Tip to Start Doing Exercises: Shape and Posture: Shape and posture should be observed in any physical activity. In most of them, the stress can come from poor physical shape, if the overload of the Exercises is falling on the soles of the feet (instead of the heels).
When you’re running or riding a bike in the heaviest gears, your back should be straight, your abdominal muscles tight, your buttocks tucked in, and your knees in line above your feet. These precautions are important when jumping or lifting your arms above your head.
7# Tip for Getting Started with Exercises: Avoid Jumping When Doing Stretches: When you are stretching upwards, stretching to your limit and doing this quickly by changing your pulse, you are actually using little of your muscles ‘ capacity and increasing the chances of promoting muscle strain and soreness, Stretches should be done in the position to give which will gradually work your muscular capacity for the theta resistance needed to achieve maximum movement. These gradual movements loosen the muscles without straining them.
8# Tip for Getting Started with Exercise: Warm-up and Cool-down: Before Exercises you can run at a leisurely pace for five minutes to gradually increase your heart rate and body temperature. Relaxation can consist of five minutes of slow movements that prevent a sudden drop in blood pressure and help alleviate possible muscle inflexibility.
9# Tip to Start Exercising: Replacement of Lost Fluid Through Sweat: This aspect is particularly important on days with high temperatures, when you easily lose more than a liter of water in an hour.
Ignoring this caution means that the lack of lost fluid can cause lethargy and nausea, interfering with performance. Even if you’re not thirsty, it’s important to drink at regular intervals while exercising (thirst passes well before you replace lost fluid).
Useful links:
- Anvisa releases slimming pill that sucks more than 8 kg of deep fat per month
- Eliminate Cellulite DEFINITELY using this 2x a day…
- Experts: This product to lose weight and eliminate belly fat fast and without the accordion effect!
10# Tip to Start Doing Exercises: Get Inspired by Someone: Paste on your fridge a full-length photo of a woman you want to look like or even a portrait of yourself from the past. Tell yourself that you want to be like her.
- On very hot days, 400 to 500 ml of liquid should be ingested two hours before physical activity and another 250 ml in the 15 or 30 minutes before the exercises . While you exercise you should drink ‘120 to 250 ml of fluid every 10 to 20 minutes.
- After exercising, you should drink enough fluid to replace what you’ve lost through sweating. On days of high temperatures you should weigh yourself before and after physical activities, replacing liter for every 500 g lost, and eat normally.
- Although the body heats up slower on cold days or when exercising in the water, you continue to lose fluid through sweat, so it is important to replace it regularly on cold or hot days or when you are swimming or exercising out of water.