8 Natural Remedies to Cleanse Your Colon Quickly

The 8 Natural Remedies to Clean Your Colon Quickly  in a simple and healthy way. Did you know that the colon can accumulate up to 9 pounds of waste ? But nevertheless, this is all about more than just the added weight. This toxic sludge prevents the colon from doing what it has to do – absorbing nutrients and expelling waste. It also negatively affects gut bacteria, so it is difficult to lose weight. What is the solution to all these colon problems ? There are several, and we’re about to show them. So, check out  8 Natural Remedies to Cleanse Your Colon Quickly.

Natural Remedies to Cleanse Your Colon

Drink Plenty of Water:  Drinking water is one of the top Natural Remedies to Cleanse Your Colon Quickly . There are many people who suffer from dehydration, one of the main causes of colon obstruction . Your colon needs water to make waste flow – and it takes a lot more than it looks.

You should drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Some health experts recommend that you actually exceed that amount and go beyond 3 liters a day. This will make the toxic sludge to be expelled out in a much easier way.

Cleanse with Plum  Juice: Plum juice contains a lot of fiber, so it is an option of Natural Remedies to Cleanse Your Colon Quickly . Which makes it ideal for cleaning clogged colon. The amount of prune juice to drink depends on how clogged your colon is. In general, you should drink about 250 ml before breakfast and another 250 ml. after dinner.

Once you have noticed that your stools are getting more and more frequent, you can start to kick the habit of drinking a lot of prune juice . This is to prevent your colon from becoming dependent on him. Look at it as a good start.

Eat Lots of Fiber:  Plums are a good source of fiber. Here are other good sources of what are excellent Natural Remedies to Cleanse Your Colon Quickly :

Women between the ages of 19 and 50 should take in at least 25 grams of fiber a day to ensure healthy waste. Men at this age need 38 grams. After 50, women need 21 grams of fiber, while men need 30 grams.

Drink Lemon Juice Regularly:  The high content of Vitamin C  in lemon juice gives it antioxidant properties. According to research, this is very good for the overall health of your colon . Lemons also boost your metabolic rate, increasing your body’s efficiency to expel waste. Drink hot water with lemon at the beginning of each day.

Ingest Too Much Probiotics:  Probiotics arehealthy bacteria so they are one of the Natural Remedies to Cleanse Your Colon Quickly . The probiotic regulates bad and toxic bacteria that lead to obstruction in the intestines and colon . Normally, the body contains enough probiotics . However, certain medications, such as antibiotics, can kill them.

You can restore your probiotic level by eating the following foods:

Put Flaxseed in Everything:  Okay, almost everything. Flaxseed goes great with oatmeal , cereal and even yogurt .

Omega-3 Fatty Acids  do a great job to Cleanse Your Colon Quickly. Flaxseed  also contains more fiber than any other grain. These two points make it a fantastic way to  Cleanse Your Colon Quickly naturally. 100 grams of flaxseed contains 27 grams of fiber. But beware: taking more than this amount can cause diarrhea .

Cleanse With Apple  Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar contains enzymes that accelerate the growth of probiotics . The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar can also help block the year’s battle-hardened toxic substances. Mix 225 ml of hot water with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons oforganic honey . Stir and drink. Repeat this every morning until you notice that your bowel movements have become more regular.

Drinking Ginger Tea: Ginger  warms the inside of your body helping to cleanse your colon quickly in a natural way. This speeds up digestion and sluggish bowel movements. For best results, make ginger tea  and drink it every morning. Check out the Ginger Tea Recipe  to  Clear Your Colon Quickly.


  • 2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger
  • 3 teaspoons of Turmeric (to reduce bloating causes constipation)
  • 5 glasses of water


  • Bring water,  ginger and turmeric and bring to a boil.
  • Then reduce heat and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and add honey to taste.
Useful links: 

If you are pregnant or taking any medication, consult your doctor before trying these home remedies.

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