Natural Remedies for Autism
The 10 Natural Remedies for Autism are very simple, as most of their ingredients are easy to find and each one has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. Also, some of the Natural Remedies for Autism include the use of Fish Oil , Magnesium , Melatonin, Probiotics, Antibacterial and Antiparasitic Substances, Diet Changes, Vitamin D , Turmeric and Detox baths.
Autism is a very complex neurological disorder that usually presents itself from birth, which is why parents often become aware that in the first two years of life a child’s personality begins to develop. Autism is most commonly identified by unusual social behavior, low interaction skills, communication difficulties, and compulsive or repetitive behavior in some cases.
Since the cause of Autism has been such a widely debated topic for many years, it can be difficult to suggest preventative therapies. However, Autism is highly heritable, although environmental factors have been shown to have an impact on the likelihood of Autism .
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There is no medical “cure” or formal treatment for Autism , although there have been many advances with behavioral therapy to help autistic sufferers. In the past, the Autism label was much narrower. It now falls under Autism Spectrum Disorder , which also includes Asperger’s Syndrome, Infantile Disintegrative Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder. While these conditions are similar, there are some differences and distinct severity levels.
The most often recommended approach to Autism is a combination of natural remedies and behavioral therapy to treat or, in some rare cases, seemingly “cure” the disorder. That said, the formal medical community has a very mixed perspective on the concept of “curing” Autism , as some do not view it as a disease.
In fact, some people who suffer from Autism , due to their focus on a unique set of subject, ability, or skill, become wise in a certain area and are capable of truly incredible things that defy our understanding.
This is not true for all Autism sufferers , given how difficult life can be with Autism . Therefore, behavioral alternatives and herbal therapies are some of the Remedies for Autism . So, check out now The 10 Natural Remedies for Autism:
Magnesium Supplements: While a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for all children, Magnesium is especially relevant for those who suffer from Autism . Magnesium deficiencycan lead to a number of symptoms that are in line with the behavior patterns commonly seen in autistic children, including rocking, teeth grinding, anxiety, poor concentration and a poor attention span.
By ensuring that magnesium is a part of each day’s nutrient intake, these symptoms can be reduced, allowing for more productive behavioral therapy and improved behavior.
Fish Oil: Omega-3 fatty acids, along with some other types of fatty acids, are really beneficial and essential for the normal, healthy development of the body. Studies have shown that high levels of Omega-3 can increase socialization in people suffering from Autism and can also alleviate hyperactive and disruptive behaviors.
Fish Oil is one of the most concentrated and easily accessible forms of Omega-3 , and supplements can be found almost anywhere.
Melatonin: One of the symptoms most closely related to Autism is Poor Sleep Habits . Disruption of normal sleep cycles can cause irritability, lack of focus and concentration, social anxiety andchronic stress .
Melatonin, however, is a calming substance that can ensure healthy nights and restful sleep , helping autistic children maintain a more relaxed schedule. Poor sleep-related behaviors will decrease, allowing for more effective practice of social and communication skills.
Probiotics: Many researchers have argued that one of the most obvious causes of Autism is dietary in nature. In other words, gut integrity and nutrient intake were the two main culprits behind the severity (or even the development) of Autism . Intestinal permeability has been closely linked to Autism , so probiotics are often the best Natural Remedy for Autism .
Probiotics stimulate the growth and development of healthy, beneficial bacteria in the gut which helps us efficiently absorb nutrients and protect the gut from any infections. Probiotics can be found in large amounts in yogurt . With a healthy gastrointestinal system, some of the symptoms of Autism may subside.
Sugar and Gluten Free: While research is still ongoing on this particular treatment strategy, there are many who believe that by eliminating sugar, gluten, and other processed foods, Autism symptoms can be reduced and behavior begins to change. move back to “normality”.
Antibacterial and Anti-Parasitic: Other theories about Autism from an environmental perspective argue that it develops due to the child ‘s gut being exposed to Candida bacteria and other parasitic substances that leave toxic residues in the gut . This same dangerous bacterial exposure at a young age can explain many of the symptoms of Autism . Therefore, protecting children against dangerous bacteria and parasites is essential to fully protect them from the possibility of developing the disease.
Vitamin D: This essential nutrient in our diet is often overlooked or ignored in exchange for more “high profile” vitamins. However, Vitamin D is crucial for children and mothers.
Low levels of Vitamin D in pregnant women have been linked with higher levels of childhood Autism , while Vitamin D deficiency is linked with Leaky Gut Syndrome and other conditions that affect the gastrointestinal system, a critical aspect of the development of the child. Autism , as explained above. Finally, the gut affects the function of neurotransmitters, which are often negatively affected in Autism sufferers .
Vitamin C: Autism sufferersappear to have higher frequency rates of scurvy as their body does not process or take in it correctly enough, further supporting the validity of a diet-based strategy to reduce symptoms.
Maintaining a high intake of Vitamin C in the body contributes to collagen development, antioxidant activity, cognitive function and cellular repair and health throughout the body, all of which could improve the symptoms and sensitivities of certain autistic individuals.
Turmeric: As one of the most potent and versatile herbs in common use, Turmeric offers antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects in the body. This can significantly improve gut health and ensure adequate nutrient intake so that many of the symptoms of Autism can be reduced or eliminated altogether.
Useful links:
Word of Warning: It is important to remember that Autism is a disorder, not a disease, and as such, there is still no formal cure. These are supplemental Natural Remedies for Autism and should be combined with behavioral therapy. On its own, neither approach would be particularly effective. Always speak to a doctor if you suspect your child has Autism , because different types of disorders within the Autism spectrum often use different treatment approaches.