The 8 Foods That Help Detoxify Your Gut
If you want your digestive system to work properly, you must know which foods help detoxify your body naturally, that is, those that promote bowel cleansing.
Eliminating toxins and waste that accumulate in the intestines and colon is a highly recommended task, especially if you are a person who lives in constant stress, fatigue, constipation or lack of concentration and still has trouble sleeping. read more and find out which foods help to detoxify your intestines naturally.
News of the week:
Weight gain and indigestion are common ailments when the intestines are not working properly. Therefore, we recommend these 10 foods that help detoxify the gut naturally .
Foods Rich in Water: Some foods can help in this detoxification process, such as watermelon , melon , lettuce and cucumber . Throughout the day, the habit is fundamental in the elimination of toxins through sweat, feces and urine.
Foods Rich in Fiber: Wheat flour, pasta and brown rice help to sweep toxins out of the body.
Broccoli : Broccoliis a good source of antioxidants, which prevent the formation of free radicals and reduce the effects of aging and the onset of degenerative diseases such as cancer.”
Hibiscus Tea and Green Tea: Hibiscus Tea and Green Tea accelerate the detoxification process and metabolism, in addition, it also enhances fat burning.
Citrus Fruits: The best fruits are Acerola , Kiwi , Lemon , Cashew and Orange , through a compound called limonoid, it causes the liver to release more toxins from the body. ”
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Ideal is At least 50% of a meal’s plate should have fresh and raw options. “That way, you ensure you’re getting a good amount of detoxifying items like fiber and water.”
Ginger : Gingerstimulates digestion, relieves constipation and speeds up metabolism. In addition, Ginger is a food rich in fiber, which in turn improves digestion.
Mint: Mint is an herb rich in several vitamins, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B and Vitamin C. In addition to minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium, which have a tonic and stimulating action on the digestive system and can be used in the form of tea.
Nutrition experts also recommend eating vegetables, cherries, beets and flaxseeds . It is important that all these foods are consumed in their purest form and on an empty stomach.
Useful links:
If you are also performing a colon cleanse it is ideal that you drink purified water as it helps to improve removal and promotes the cleansing process. and Remember that we are what we eat and it is so important to eat foods that cleanse the gut to be able to reduce the risk of health problems and restore healthy bowel movements.