How to Detox the Body: Kale, Lemon and Mint Recipe

Natural Recipe To Detoxify Your Body in a 100% Natural Way. In addition, it is a good alternative to healthy juices , as well as helping to detoxify the body.

How do we know if we need to detoxify our body? In the midst of the rush, lack of time and everyday obligations, we often resort to fast food, semi-ready, processed or refined foods, with the consequent intake of fat or chemicals as preservatives.

But these are not the only toxins that we assimilate, in addition to these we are also exposed to those that are spread in the environment, such as cigarette smoke, contaminated water, heavy metals and other chemicals.

Tiredness, a heavy body, intestinal problems, high blood pressure, headaches, dark circles under the eyes, obesity, lack of energy, bad mood or depression and stress, are warnings that undoubtedly indicate the need to start a detox diet.

With the post-modern routine, the day-to-day rush and poor diet end up contributing to increase the levels of toxins present in our body.

In addition to those already produced naturally, we are still in daily contact with pesticides, medicines and polluting agents. The result of this sum is not positive. These substances, when found, overload and hinder the full functioning of the body.

  • It helps to lose weight and with health, as it eliminates toxins, provides satiety and accelerates metabolism,
  • They act as a diuretic, fighting fluid retention ;
  • Stimulate the functioning of the immune system ;
  • Improve the digestive system;
  • Stimulate the functioning of the intestine;
  • Hydrate the skin ;
  • Improve sleep ;
  • Increase disposition;
  • Stimulate memory performance;
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals essential to the body;
  • Increases mood throughout the day;

Natural, fresh and fiber-rich ingredients also called Detox foods   are largely responsible for eliminating these toxins.

They work together with the liver and have the ability to filter and eliminate harmful substances from the body. Then check out the Natural Recipe to Detoxify Your Body.


  • 1 tablespoon of parsley;
  • 1 cabbage leaf;
  • 1 slice of pineapple Mint leaves to taste;
  • Pure juice of 1/2 lemon ;
  • 1 cup (250ml) of coconut water ;

Preparation mode:

  • Mix all ingredients in a blender;
  • Drink 30 minutes before meals;

To Detoxify the Body even more and help with weight loss, just link the juice with physical activity to accelerate metabolism. regardless of age group, success is guaranteed.

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