Lichen Planus – What is it, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments!

Lichen Planus – What it is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments  that many are unaware of. In addition, Lichen Planus  is an inflammatory condition that can affect the skin , hair, nails, and mucous membranes. On the skin, lichen planus usually appears as purpura, often itchy , flat-topped bumps, developing over several weeks. In the mouth , vagina and other areas covered by a mucous membrane, Lichen Planus forms white patches, sometimes with painful lesions . Most people can manage typical, mild cases of Lichen Planus at home without medical assistance. If the condition causes pain orsignificant itching , you may need prescription medication.

Lichen Planus is a recurring rash that is due to inflammation in the skin and mucous membranes. The rash is characterized by small, flat-topped, many-sided (polygonal) bumps that can grow together into rough, scaly patches on the skin . There may also be a rash on the lining (mucosa) of the mouth or vagina.

Lichen Planus is a poorly understood skin disease . Its name is descriptive in that to some it resembles a simple plant, a lichen that grows on rocks and tree bark, while planus is Latin for flat.

Causes of Lichen Planus:  Lichen Planus develops when the body mistakenly attacks the skin or mucous cells. Doctors aren’t sure why this happens.

Lichen Planus can occur in anyone at any age, but there are certain factors that make some people more likely to develop the condition. The skin form of Lichen Planus occurs in men and women equally, but women are twice as likely to get the oral form. It is very rare in children and older adults. It is more common in middle-aged people.

Other risk factors include having family members who have had lichen planus , having a viral illness such as hepatitis C, or exposure to certain chemicals that act as allergens. These allergens can include:

  • antibiotics
  • arsenic
  • gold
  • iodide compounds
  • diuretics
  • certain types of dyes

Diagnosis of Lichen Planus:  Anytime you see or feel a skin rash or lesions in your mouth or on your genitals, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Your primary care physician may refer you to a dermatologist if a diagnosis of lichen planus is not obvious, or if your symptoms are making you very uncomfortable.

Your primary care doctor or dermatologist may be able to tell you have Lichen Planus simply by looking at your rash. To confirm the diagnosis, you may need further tests.

Tests can include a biopsy, which means taking a small sample of your skin cells to look at under a microscope, or an allergy test to find out if you’re having an allergic reaction. If your doctor suspects that the underlying cause is an infection, you may need to have a test for hepatitis C.

Symptoms  of Lichen Planus:  The signs and symptoms of Lichen Planus vary depending on the affected areas. Typical signs and symptoms include:

  • Purplish, flat-topped bumps, most often on the inner forearm, wrist, or ankle , but sometimes on the outer genitals
  • itch
  • Blisters that can break to form scabs or scabs
  • Lacy white patches in the mouth – on the inside of the cheeks or on the gums, lips or tongue
  • painful oral or vaginal ulcers
  • Hair loss and scalp discoloration
  • nail damage or loss

When to See a Doctor: See your doctor if minor bumps or a rash-like condition appears on your skin for no apparent reason, such as a known allergic reaction or contact with poison ivy. Also see your doctor if you experience any signs or symptoms associated with  Lichen Planus of the mouth, genitals, scalp or nails.

It is best to get a quick and accurate diagnosis, because a number of skin and mucous membrane diseases can cause injury and discomfort.

Lichen Planus Treatments :  For mild cases of  Lichen Planus , which usually appear within weeks or months, you may not need any treatment. If symptoms are uncomfortable or severe, your doctor may prescribe medication.

There is no cure for Lichen Planus , but medications that treat the symptoms are helpful and some may even be able to target a possible underlying cause. Medications frequently prescribed include:

  • retinoids, which are related to vitamin A and are taken topically or orally
  • corticosteroids reduce inflammation and can be topical, oral, or given as an injection
  • antihistamines reduce inflammation and can be particularly helpful if your rash is triggered by an allergen
  • Steroid creams are applied topically and can suppress the immune system and help clear up the rash
  • light therapy treats lichen planus with ultraviolet light

Home Treatments:  There are other things you can try at home to complement your Lichen Planus treatments . These include:

Talk to your doctor before adding OTC products to your treatment plan. This way, you’ll be assured that nothing you can take will interact with prescription medications you’re taking.

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