Lemon and honey to eliminate belly fat!

Lemon and honey to eliminate belly fat works as the recipe helped to reduce your waistline in a short period. It is a fatty drink that eliminates excess water from the body and burns fat . Lazy Bowel Syndrome causes excess fatty tissue around your abdominal area. It reduces the fat burning process and also reduces the cleansing process, which means that it is difficult to remove harmful toxins placed in the body.

Horseradish is very beneficial and stimulates digestion. It cleanses the body, stimulates metabolism, removes fatty deposits and encourages the formation and development of useful bacteria in the intestine. It is rich in Vitamin C , Vitamin B1 , Vitamin B6 , Vitamin B2 , Potassium , Iron , Calcium , Magnesium , Phosphorus . Prepare this mixture at home and take it as a breakfast substitute. Now, see  How to Eliminate Belly Fat:

Lemon and honey to eliminate belly fat:

Ingredients :

How to prepare:

  • Also, put the horseradish in a blender and mix well.
  • Do not peel the lemons and cut them into slices.
  • Also, remove the seeds and place the lemon slices in the blender.
  • Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous solution is obtained.
  • Also, add 3 tablespoons of honey and mix again.

How to use:

  • Also, put the mixture in a jar and store in the fridge.
  • Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture twice a day for a period of 3 weeks.
  • Also, you will be amazed at the results.


  • Always talk to a doctor before starting any weight loss plan.
  • In addition, he will be able to tell you if the planning is safe and suitable for you.
  • However, remember that even if you want to lose excess belly fat, it is not possible to work with isolated areas of the body.
  • Also, you need to lose weight and decrease the amount of fat in your entire body.
  • Instead of taking your weight at the beginning and end of the week, measure your waist.
  • Also, this is the best way to determine if you have lost belly fat.
  • People over 80 cm in waist should continue to practice a weight loss routine.
  • Also, to lower the risks of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

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