Healthy foods for osteoporosis

Healthy foods for osteoporosis that everyone should know. Furthermore, osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue, which can lead to an increased risk of fractures. Popular as the “silent thief”, bone deterioration can occur over several years without any symptoms. Unfortunately, by the time the affected bones break or fracture, the disease is already quite advanced and less treatable. The most common fractures associated with osteoporosis are in the hip, spine, shoulder and wrist.

Osteoporosis itself does not cause pain. But broken bones caused by osteoporosis can be painful and sometimes lead to long-term hardship. Compression fractures of the spine can cause a change in body shape and chronic back pain. But if you want to fight this condition, there are foods that can help you. So, take a closer look at Healthy Foods for Osteoporosis:

1. Spinach:

Spinach is rich in vitamin K2 , another vitamin that is involved in bone formation. In addition, leafy greens in general contain a lot of calcium and minerals necessary for bone tissue.

2. Tomato:

Rich in minerals such as magnesium , iron , phosphorus, manganese and potassium , IMPORTANT Participants in Bone Formation, it goes well in ANY type of sauce, salad and is easy to put in the diet. In addition, it has vitamin A , vitamin C and lycopene – a substance that gives a red color to tomatoes and prevents against various types of cancer.

3. Kale:

cabbage in general is rich in  highly available calcium . It is very versatile: you can cook it, marinated it in a salad or in the form of dehydrated potatoes, for example. We recommend that you take 4-5 leaves every day, in broths, salads, fries or any other variation.

4. Cheese:

Just because cheese is full of calcium doesn’t mean you need to overeat (packing on the pounds isn’t going to help your joints!). Just 1.5 cheddar cheese contains more than 30% of your daily value of calcium .

5. Orange juice:

Orange juice is a great example of foods rich in vitamin D. In addition, it provides an important amount of calcium and vitamin C. Remembering that each 200 ml glass of juice contains about 88 and 150 IU of Vitamin D.

6. Leite:

It is not news that milk is the main source of calcium in our diet and, therefore, the main tip to strengthen bones. Derivatives, such as yogurt and cheese, are also good options. It is recommended to eat 3 servings of dairy products a day.

SEE ALSO: 8 Healthy Foods for Skin

7. Beans:

Rich in vitamin D , calcium , fiber and antioxidants , beans and lentils are the best foods for Osteoporosis . Folate  plays an important role in the development of red blood cells . It is necessary for carrying out many corporate functions such as bone repair and maintenance, DNA synthesis, amino acid metabolism, leukocyte and erythrocyte training.

8. Tahine:

Tahini brings 5 ​​grams of protein and essential nutrients such as iron , zinc , magnesium and folic acid . This food is nothing more than a calcium -rich pasta made from roasted sesame seeds. Two tablespoons of sesame paste have about 125 mg of calcium , about the same amount of calcium found in half a glass of milk .

9. Yogurt:

Most people get their Vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, but certain foods, like yogurt , are fortified with Vitamin D. A cup of yogurt can be a creamy way to get or calculate diary.

10. Sardines:

A can of sardines can increase your calcium intake or help build bones . The reason? The canning process softens the bones of the fish , facilitating the absorption of calcium .

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