How to Cure a Hangover at Home Naturally

How to Cure a Hangover at Home Naturally  in a simple, effective and completely healthy way In addition, hangover  occurs when there is intoxication in the body due to too much alcohol, so it is a natural reaction of our body. In order to process all the alcohol ingested and eliminate it, various organs in the body have to work harder, above what would happen if there was no alcohol.

We know it’s a lot of fun to attend all the parties, but the next day always has some surprises in store for us. As in the holiday season it is much more common to see people crossing the line, a very boring word becomes part of many people’s dictionaries: Hangover .

The liver suffers the most – although it never hurts itself. It is this organ that does the main job of producing the enzymes that absorb ethanol. But it takes him a while to understand that he should stop working in drunk mode. When the body has run out of alcohol, the concentration of these enzymes is still high – and the liver “asks” for more alcohol to process. This generates an imbalance that disorganizes the entire metabolism.

Causes of Hangovers:  When we have a full stomach, the absorption of ethanol is slower, giving the liver more time to metabolize the incoming alcohol. Therefore, ethanol intoxication is more intense when we drink on an empty stomach. Carbonated alcoholic beverages are absorbed more slowly and foods high in protein or sugar reduce the absorption of alcohol.

Alcohol acts on the entire body, but its most visible effects are on the brain, especially during acute intoxication. In small amounts, alcohol has a stimulating action, leading to euphoria, disinhibition and greater social interaction.

Small doses already affect motor coordination and the ability to concentrate. As the alcohol level rises, judgment is impaired and inappropriate comments and actions arise.

Higher doses of alcohol and acetaldehyde in the circulation intoxicate the neurons, leading to the inhibition of the functioning of the nervous system. As the blood concentration rises, the patient goes through the following phases: lethargy, drowsiness, reduced level of consciousness, coma and, eventually, death.

Hangover Symptoms:  Anyone can get a hangover , just have consumed more alcohol than their liver is able to metabolize, and so even those who only drank 1 or 2 drinks of alcoholic drink can get drunk and wake up with a hangover . Some of the main symptoms of a hangover  are:

  • Lack of appetite;
  • General malaise and body aches;
  • Eye pain and sensitivity to sound and light;
  • stomach pain ;
  • He doesn’t remember what happened the night before;
  • Severe headache ;
  • Nausea and vomiting ;
  • Dry mouth and very thirsty;

Usually these symptoms appear the next day, after sleeping, but they can appear before, between 4 to 6 hours after stopping drinking. So, check out the benefit of the ingredients that make up the recipe for  How to Cure a Hangover at Home Naturally:

Benefits of Honey:  Honey  provides  300 calories per 100 grams of its consumption. In addition,  honey  is a source of fructose, glucose and sucrose. Honey also provides vitamins  and some minerals such as Calcium ,  Magnesium ,  Potassium  and  Phosphorus . The health benefits of  honey  are mainly for:

  • Reduce  throat inflammation .
  • Honey  has been  shown to be beneficial for digestion.
  • Honey  helps  protect cells against free radicals.
  • Honey  is a great sugar substitute .
  • Honey  is recommended  for all athletes as it helps improve recovery time.

So, check out the full recipe for  How to Cure a Hangover at Home Naturally:


  • 1 cup (tea) of water
  • 1 teaspoon fresh boldo leaves, washed and chopped
  • honey  to taste


  • Bring the water to a boil and let it boil for 5 minutes.
  • After the recommended time, turn off and add the boldo .
  • Cover and wait for it to cool.
  • Strain, sweeten with honey to taste and drink up to 3 cups (tea) a day.

Attention:  Do not use any home remedy if you are taking any medication. Talk to a doctor first and seek professional help whenever symptoms persist.

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