Cinnamon and lemon to burn belly fat!

Cinnamon and lemon to burn belly fat works naturally as it is also a 100% healthy option. Additionally, these popular medicinal spices have been used in a wide variety of cuisines, sweet and savory dishes, breakfast cereals, baked goods, and snacks. It is loaded with various antioxidant and antibiotic properties.

While many of us have the goal of losing weight in mind, we know that not everyone has the same metabolism. For some people, losing weight is very simple, but it might not be for others. If you are going to use a diet, make sure it is the right one for you and for that you should go to a nutritionist, in addition, the ideal is to accompany with a good exercise routine and, as an extra bonus, you can use a natural remedy to stimulate body detox. For example, an infusion of cinnamon , apple and lemon .

These ingredients are endowed with many antioxidants and other medicinal properties that can encourage weight loss and detoxification of the body overnight. Losing weight is not easy, you have to be constant and have a positive mind at all times, so eat well, exercise and drink this drink.

How to make the Natural Recipe:



Wash the apples well and cut them into thin slices. Now, squeeze the lemon in a glass container with a liter of water. Finally, add the Apples and cinnamon , beat well and store in your fridge to ferment overnight.

It should be consumed every day before and after each meal, also 5 minutes before going to bed. People tend to consume it cold, but if you want to warm it up and drink it like a tea, that’s no problem. Just don’t sweeten it, use it as prepared.

Benefits of this Recipe on the Body:

It is anti-inflammatory:

This quality is spectacular for your body because it decreases the chances of you having fluid retention and by lowering the inflammation of the body and organs, the pain you may have will also disappear.

Makes You Lose Weight:

Antioxidants improve the functioning of the liver, which is one of the organs responsible for burning fat. Likewise, each food in this recipe is high in antioxidants and low in fat, making it perfect for those special occasions.

Eradicates Facial Imperfections:

Containing antioxidants, fiber and minerals, the skin is greatly benefited as these properties scavenge free radicals that cause wrinkles , blemishes and acne on the skin and throughout the body. It doesn’t matter if you consume the drink or if you apply it directly to your skin, the truth is that the dermis will change for the better and it will become smooth, soft and healthy.

Reduce Blood Glucose Level:

If you suffer from high or low sugar, it is important that you consume this medicine because it can regulate these levels and control or prevent diabetes . In turn, it regulates cholesterol triglycerides and improves blood circulation.

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