15 home remedies for sinusitis

Home Remedies  for Sinusitis  are a good alternative to natural remedies for sinusitis. In addition, Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucosa of the sinuses, a region of the skull formed by bone cavities around the nose, cheekbones and eyes.

The disease can be secondary to an infection, an allergic condition or any factor that interferes with the correct drainage of secretions from the sinuses. The most used name for this problem is rhinosinusitis, because the inflammatory process affects both the sinus mucosa and the nasal mucosa.

Causes of Sinusitis: Sinusitis can be caused by infectious agents such as bacteria, fungi and viruses, as well as by allergic factors. Dust, heat shock and active smells are listed as triggers for allergic rhinopathy. Exposure to certain chemical agents and changes in nasal or sinus anatomy are part of the other group responsible for sinusitis . There are even rarer cases that lead to sinusitis , such as the presence of a tumor.

Symptoms of Sinusitis: Chronic sinusitis and acute sinusitis have similar signs and symptoms, but acute sinusitis is a temporary sinus infection often associated with a cold. Chronic rhinosinusitis, on the other hand, corresponds to an inflammatory process with a prolonged duration (greater than 12 weeks) and can also be classified as chronic rhinosinusitis with polyposis and chronic rhinosinusitis without polyposis. For the diagnosis of chronic rhinosinusitis we must have two or more of the following signs:

Nasal Obstruction or Nasal Secretion Associated with At Least One of the Symptoms:

  • Pressure or facial pain.
  • Reduction or loss of smell.
  • Associated with tomographic changes or evidenced by videonasofibroscopy examination.
  • Lasting longer than 12 weeks.

Other Signs and Symptoms May Include:

You may have multiple episodes of acute sinusitis lasting less than 12 weeks before you develop chronic sinusitis . You may be referred to an otolaryngologist for evaluation and treatment. However, there are some home remedies capable of relieving the pain of this terrible disease. So, check out the  15 Home Remedies for Sinusitis Recipe .

1.  Carrot and Apricot Juice for Sinusitis:


Method of preparation:

In a juicer, process the carrots with the apricots and melon . Mix, pour into a glass and serve. Makes a portion.

2.  Garlic and Broccoli Juice for Sinusitis:


Method of preparation:

In a juicer, process the celery with the onion, garlic, broccoli and apple . Mix, pour into a glass and serve.

Note: Be careful, this drink is very strong, just making it your eyes will fill with water. But it is unbeatable when it comes to antioxidant and antibacterial power.

3.  Broccoli and Carrot Juice for Sinusitis:


Method of preparation:

Put everything in a juicer and process until smooth, then pour into a glass and drink.

4.  Orange Juice and Parsley For Sinusitis:


Method of preparation:

In a juicer, process the grapefruit with the oranges , parsley and kiwis. Mix, pour into a large glass or two smaller ones and serve.

Tip: Parsley contains an incredible amount of vitamin C and is one of the few fresh herbs you can find year round.

5.  Spinach and Mint Juice for Sinusitis:


  • 20g of spinach
  • 20g of mint
  • 1 glass of coconut water or mineral water
  • 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus honey

Method of preparation:

Blend the coconut water and the other ingredients in a blender. Recommended dose: take a glass, three times a day, between meals.

6.  Orange and Aloe Juice for Sinusitis:


  • oranges (juice)
  • 100g aloe vera (aloe)
  • 10 drops of copaiba oil
  • 2g bee pollen
  • 100g eucalyptus honey
  • 2 glasses of water

Method of preparation:

Blend in a blender and drink twice a day.

7.  Apricot and Peach Juice for Sinusitis:


  • carrots
  • 3 fresh apricots, pitted
  • 3 pitted peaches

Method of preparation:

In a juicer, process the carrots with the apricots and peaches. Mix, pour into a glass and serve. Makes 1 serving.

8.  Orange and Carrot Juice for Sinusitis:


  • 100 ml of water
  • Juice of 2 oranges
  • 2 chopped carrots
  • 1 peeled green apple
  • 1 piece of ginger

Method of preparation:

  • Put the ingredients in the blender, hit well, strain and drink right away.
  • Drink this juice daily until you feel complete relief from nasal congestion.

9.  Eucalyptus Steam For Sinusitis:


  • 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 liter of boiling water

Method of preparation:

  • Place the boiling water in a basin and add the drops of essential oil with the salt. Then cover your head and basin, inhaling the tea steam.
  • It is important to breathe in the steam as deeply as possible for up to 10 minutes, repeating 2 to 3 times a day.

10.  Chamomile Tea For Sinusitis:


  • 6 teaspoons of chamomile flowers
  • 1/5 to 2 liters of water

Method of preparation:

Boil the water and then add the tea. Then place the child’s face over the bowl and cover their head with a towel. Breathe in the steam for at least 10 minutes. Care must be taken so that the child does not get scalded in the water.
Before bed, you can also put 2 drops of lemon essential oil on your pillow to help you sleep better.

11.  Ginger Tea For Sinusitis:


Method of preparation:

Boil the water, and add the bay leaves, cloves and ginger powder. Leave it on the fire for 5 minutes, then turn it off and add to the lemon juice .

12.  Honey and Lemon Tea for Sinusitis:


  • lemons
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons of honey

Method of preparation:

Extract the juice from the lemons and crush the garlic. Bring to a boil and let them boil. Then turn off the heat and strain. Drink the tea 30 minutes before going to bed.

13.  Rosemary Tea for Sinusitis:


  • 1 tablespoon rosemary
  • 1 sliced ​​onion
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 pinch of salt

Method of preparation:

  • In a pan, boil the onion, rosemary and salt for about 5 minutes. Pour the liquid into a glass bowl.
  • Then, with a towel on your head, start inhaling the steam from the basin, being very careful not to burn yourself.
  • Do this procedure 3 times a day.

14.  Bay Leaf For Sinusitis:


Method of preparation:

Boil the water. Add the bay leaves, cloves and ginger. Leave on fire for 5 minutes. Turn off and add the   lemon juice . Drink it hot and unsweetened.

15.  Oregano Tea for Sinusitis:


  • 4 to 6 tablespoons of fresh oregano leaves
  • 2 ½ cups of water
  • 1 tablespoon raw organic honey

Method of preparation:

  • First, you need to boil water in a small pot.
  • After that, you need to cut the leaves and quickly add to the pan.
  • And now, make sure you boil it over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  • Once done with this, remove from the heat and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • Strain, add honey, and drink while still hot.

The best way to prevent acute sinusitis is to keep the nasal mucosa hydrated, treat allergic rhinitis, look for a doctor to monitor flu and colds .

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