Heart Block – What is it, Causes and Treatments

Heart Block – What it is, Causes and Treatments  that we should not ignore. In addition, Heart Block occurs when the speed of electrical signals is reduced or when they do not reach the lower chambers of the heart . It rarely has symptoms, however dizziness, fainting, chest pain or shortness of breath may occur after exercising or any activity. The causes may be related to coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy or valvular disease. However, right bundle branch block of His can occur even in a healthy heart.

Treatment will depend on the severity of the Heart Block . In the case of mild blockages, discovered by chance and that do not cause any type of symptoms, they probably do not need any treatment. So, check out now  Heart block – What is it, Causes and Treatments:

What is Heart Block:  The designation “ Heart Block ” includes a set of situations in which there is a disturbance of the cardiac electrical system (the conduction system of the heart ). The designation Heart Block is bad, given that the term “block” is attributed to a set of situations ranging from changes that have no impact on the functioning of the heart (as is the case with fascicular blocks), to serious situations that can lead to the placement of a pacemaker (pacemaker) (in the case of complete atrioventricular block). In the face of any diagnosis of blockage, the type of blockade being treated, its severity and the type of clinical approach that is needed should be discussed with the attending physician.

What are the Causes:  Heart Blocks arecaused due to delays in the speed of conduction of the electrical stimulus through the conduction system or blockages to this passage. There may be multiple causes. These delays may be due to the normal aging process at the heart level , with fibrosis deposition in this system. These are the Heart Blocks that occur in the elderly. Certain types of heart disease can lead to heart blocks, as is the case with coronary heart disease, particularly with myocardial infarction that may involve areas where the conduction beams pass.

What are the Symptoms:  Heart Blocks that do not interfere with the normal synchronization of the contraction process of the atria and ventricles do not give any symptoms. This is the case with fascicular blocks, bundle  branch heart blocks and 1st degree heart blocks. Only in the most advanced heart block (2nd degree atrioventricular blocks and especially in complete atrioventricular blocks) can there be symptoms resulting from the heart rate becoming too slow.

The most common symptoms of heart block  are syncope crises (sudden fainting), dizziness and heart failure (relatively rapid onset of tiredness, shortness of breath and swelling). The occurrence of this type of symptoms should therefore lead to the consultation of the doctor to assess whether you are in the presence of a heart block or any other cause that can trigger the same symptoms.

Treating Heart Block: Heart  block doesn’t always need to be treated unless the symptoms are serious. However, acquired heart block usually needs treatment. Transcutaneous pacing (TCP) is a temporary method of pacing the heart . Pads are applied to your chest and electrical pulses are passed through them to stabilize your heartbeat and restore your heart rate to normal.

Once your heartbeat has stabilized, a permanent pacemaker may be recommended. Pacemakers are small battery-operated devices that are inserted under the skin of your chest . It sends out frequent electrical pulses to keep your heart  beating regularly. Treatment for heart block  usually works well if given when needed. Deaths caused by Heart Block are rare.

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