The 5 Health Benefits of the Tea Diet

The Benefits of the Tea Diet are diverse because it has several nutrients for our health. In addition, to make the tea diet you will have to consume 6 cups every day. But if you want to abuse the teas, don’t worry; you can go on shipping. Here are some suggestions that will help you overcome the main obstacles in your search for your ideal weight. So, check out The 5 Health Benefits of Tea Diet .Reduce Bloating:  Swelling in the body is one of the biggest culprits for harming a diet. Your clothes don’t seem to fit anymore, you look in the mirror and see yourself without curves and the consequence of that, and you don’t believe in the diet you’re doing.

But know that it can just be the accumulation of liquids, and this can be due to excess salt in food or even the use of corticosteroid medicines, for example.

However, solving the problem is simpler than it seems. Horsetail tea is a powerful diuretic that helps the kidneys and bladder function more regularly, reducing swelling. You can drink up to 3 cups of this tea throughout the day. You can also make a mixture of this herb with others that you think is necessary.

Decrease Hunger:  There are some herbs that can make you feel less hungry. Some of them are: fennel , hat-de-leather , jurubeba and carqueja .

Always prefer your herbs in places with provenance, because if the herb is too old, it will not offer the promised results. In addition to having the effect of inhibiting hunger, these herbs deflate, detoxify and accelerate metabolism. Ideally, you should drink one of these teas about 30 minutes before each meal.

Improve Digestion:  To keep your belly flat and stop the feeling of bloating in your abdomen, your intestines must work like clockwork. Some plants have this function and perform very well, such as hibiscus, cascara-sacred and zedoaria. These herbs work on the liver by making fat molecules smaller and more easily absorbed by the intestine.

But, of all the herbs with digestive powers, perhaps the most famous and consumed of all is boldo. Its leaves have been used to treat stomach problems for a long time and to this day it proves to be a powerful remedy. But it is worth noting that boldo tea should be consumed in moderation and should not be used under any circumstances by pregnant women, as it can harm the health of the child.

Decrease Anxiety:  Stress and anxiety are two of the biggest villains for a balanced diet. These symptoms eventually lead to binge eating. Since many people, when feeling pressured, look to greasy food for the comfort they need.

Instead of eating a bar of chocolate, try chamomile , mint or rosemary tea . These herbs have calming properties and are definitely much healthier.

Burns Fat:  Coming from the Sinian camel plant, green and white tea are especially recommended for burning fat. Both have a high concentration of catechins and pollins, which are antioxidants and thermogenic. With the help of these substances, your chorus will be able to eliminate fat more effectively and quickly.

Always take a cup 10 minutes before each meal, that is 6 meals a day, 6 cups of tea. By doing this, you will be enjoying all the feeling of satiety, making you better control how much you will eat at the next meal.

Regarding the amount of mixtures that can be made, almost everything is valid, from one to all of the same group, if you prefer. It is also possible to combine herbs from different groups, take the opportunity to receive the benefits that each herb can provide. Create your own combinations according to your needs and enjoy every cup.

During the Morning:  Try to start your give with a cup of slimming tea. This tea uncle will allow your metabolism to start working at full steam first thing in the morning, making it easier to lose weight throughout the day. You can choose from the most diverse types, but we recommend, white hibiscus and carqueja teas .

During the Day:  You can choose between three groups throughout the day: detoxifiers, slimming or diuretics; or you can also make a mixture of the types in a single infusion. They will help you eliminate toxins and lessen discomfort. In addition to helping with weight loss. You can choose from cinnamon teas. Anise, horsetail, swamp cane, soursop , espinheira santa.

During the Night:  Wait for this moment to drink the calming teas and have a peaceful night’s sleep. In that case, avoid diuretic teas, which can make you wake up during the night to go to the bathroom. Choose herbs like fennel mint and chamomile.

Contraindications:  As with any diet, there are some precautions you should take:

  • Consuming too much tea disrupts the body’s absorption of iron ;
  • Caffeine interferes with sleep quality, so caffeinated teas are indicated at least three hours before bedtime;
  • Some teas can stain your teeth, so invest in whiteners and visit your dentist regularly;
  • The quality of the tea only lasts for a while. Pay attention to the expiration date so you don’t end up drinking stale tea;
  • Before going on a diet on your own, consult a doctor or nutritionist. Your health is worth more than any weight loss;
  • Some types of herbs can harm some people. Try to know as much about them as possible so as not to harm yourself;
  • Try to avoid comfrey tea. If consumed in excess, it can affect the liver;

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