Health benefits of red cabbage!

The benefits of red cabbage are diverse and it has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. The high content of vitamins and minerals is the most important reason to consume this vegetable, also known as red cabbage or red kraut, it is a kind of cage with dark purple or red leaves.The color of the leaves, caused by anthocyanins , will depend on the acidity of the soil. In acidic soil, the cabbage will turn a purple color, but in alkaline soil, the cabbage will turn green or yellow.

purple cabbage

Red cabbage is a good source of many B vitamins and has generous amounts of vitamin A , vitamin C , and vitamin K. It contains the minerals calcium , iron and potassium , like its green cousin, it is virtually fat-free, very low in calories and a good source of fiber.

Health benefits of red cabbage:

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1. Improves the immune system:

Cabbage contains vitamin C , and antioxidant  needed for the body to have a healthy immune system.

2. Reduces the risk of osteoporosis:

The benefits of red cabbage  is rich in vitamin K , it helps to maintain bone calcium, thus reducing the risk of osteoporosis .

3. Helps maintain healthy eyesight:

The high level of vitamin A  is beneficial for the eyes, helps maintain healthy vision and prevents macular degeneration and cataract formation.

4. Fights the risk of alzheimer’s:

It is beneficial for the brain as it contains the presence of vitamin K and anthocyanins. The presence of these compounds helps to increase concentration, prevents nerve damage, reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

5. Contributes to bone health:

Red cabbage  is rich in calcium , magnesium, manganese, and other important minerals that contribute to bone growth and health.

6. Increases metabolism:

It contains high content of vitamin B is the co-factor and metabolic enzyme, and they maintain normal metabolism within the cells.

7. Health during pregnancy:

This type of cabbage is rich in acid , which makes it a great choice for pregnant women, for the formation of the fetus during primi-pregnancy, milk production during lactation.

8. Prevents hair loss:

Red cabbage  is rich in silicon and sulfur, two vital minerals that stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss.

9. Regulates blood pressure:

This vegetable contains lots of potassium which can help maintain normal blood pressure.

10. Stimulates gut health:

Fiber helps in intestinal stimulation to increase bowel activity leaving you healthy.

11. Detoxifies the body:

Red cabbage  acts as a natural blood purifier , and helps fight harmful free radicals and uric acid levels that are responsible for a number of other conditions.

12. Control blood sugar:

This vegetable helps control blood sugar levels due to its natural insulin content .

13. Contains dietary fiber:

It  contains dietary fiber that promotes the correct function of the digestive system, facilitating absorption by the intestine .

14. Help with weight loss:

This vegetable is low in calories, and rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals . In addition, it is a great option to maintain a healthy diet.

15. Neutralizes free radicals:

The benefits of red cabbage  is rich in  antioxidants  that help neutralize free radicals, which are the harmful by-products of cellular metabolism, free radicals are responsible for the emergence of cancer.

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