The 20 Health Benefits of Onions
The 20 Health Benefits of Onions:
Benefits of Onions to Improve Circulation: Because it has a high degree of quercetin, an important flavonoid, onions promote blood circulation. In addition, its silicon content helps prevent thrombosis and the aging of veins and arteries. It also helps to reduce blood cholesterol and increases the body’s ability to dissolve internal clots, which prevents coronary thrombosis.
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Benefit of Onion to Prevent Anemia: Another property is antianemic, after all, it offers us phosphorus, iron and vitamin E. In this way, it helps the body in blood replacementand regeneration of red blood cells.
Benefits of Onions to Help Relieve Cold : Because they are rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C , ideal for relieving symptoms of respiratory problems, the essential oils it has, due to its sulfur content, give onion the ability to lessen symptoms. diseases such as bronchitis, colds and colds.
Benefit of Onion To Help Control Hypertension: Another element that onion contains and that exerts positive influences on our health is potassium. Potassium is responsible for the ability of onions to help eliminate excess fluids and reduce the risk of suffering from gout, hypertension and kidney stones.
Benefits of Onions as a Diuretic: Potassium and low sodium content make onions help to prevent fluid retention, flushing toxins from the body. In addition, it is beneficial for the kidneys and the prostate.
Benefit of Onion to Lose Weight and Control Weight: Onionis perfect to include in our diet, whether for weight loss or for the sake of health care. Due to its low caloric value and high fiber content, it is ideal in a slimming diet, as it improves intestinal transit and cleanses, eliminates toxins, preventing fluid retention.
Onion Benefit For Pregnant Women and Children: Onionis ideal for this group of people. Why? The answer is simple: its high content of folates helps in the growth and good development of the fetus in the first weeks of pregnancy.
Benefit of Onion as a Source of Antioxidant: Onion hasantioxidant powers. The reason is its content in Vitamin A and Vitamin C , sulfur and flavonoids such as quercetin and anthocyanin.
Benefit of Onion to Improve Asthma and Inflammation: Onionis also a good anti-asthmatic and anti-inflammatory. Reason? The high content of sulfur-based components.
Benefit of Onion as an Antiseptic: If applied externally, onion can act as a natural antiseptic and is able to reduce kidney inflammation.
Benefit of Onion for Effects on Cataract Formation in Diabetes: Cataract is a relatively common complication in diabetes. Among the mechanisms of action, the aldolase reductase enzyme was found to have a cataract -generating role . Different experiments demonstrated the inhibitory activity of quercetin on this enzyme, which would be of the non-competitive type and one of the most potent among the different inhibitors tested.
Benefit of Onion for Antitumor Activities: One of the mechanisms of action of quercetin as an antiproliferative agent of tumor cells is through its antimutagenic capacity and its antioxidant power. The addition of quercetin in some antitumor regimens with synthetic drugs has shown increased antitumor activity.
Onion Benefit For Anti-Inflammatory Activities: The anti- inflammatory actionthat many flavonoids possess is related in part to the enzymes involved in arachidonic acid metabolism. In the antioxidant mechanism of quercetin lipid peroxidation, the arachidonic acid pathway is involved, which implies a parallel anti-inflammatory activity.
Onion Benefit for Cardiovascular Activities: The same antioxidant property described above is sufficient to reduce the risk of death from heart disease and damage. In this sense, quercetin has been shown to decrease the incidence of myocardial infarction and stroke in elderly people. Populations that consume products rich in quercetin statistically have lower risks of cardiovascular diseases. In rats it can be seen that quercetin improves left ventricular contractile function and reduces the incidence of cardiac conduction disorders.
The process is limited to the damaged area of ischemia, protecting the ultrastructure of the coronary arteries, improving coronary circulation and preventing the formation of intravascular thrombi. On the other hand, it also demonstrated vasodilatory effects in isolated rat aorta, antithrombotic effects (by selective binding to the platelet wall) and decreased myocardial reperfusion injuries. Due to inhibition of lipid peroxidation, quercetin protects the endothelium from local destruction by prostacyclin and endothelium-derived relaxing factor.
Benefit of Onion for Antioxidant Activity: Among the main actions of quercetin stands out its power to remove free radicals, exerting a cytoprotective role in situations of risk of cellular damage. Quercetin has been shown to inhibit in vitro the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) by macrophages and to reduce the cytotoxicity of oxidized LDL. Along with Vitamin C , quercetin has shown synergistic effects on antioxidant function.
Ascorbic acid acts as a reducer of quercetin oxidation, so that combined, Vitamin C allows a longer survival of the flavonoid to fulfill its antioxidant functions. On the other hand, quercetin protects vitamin E from oxidation, with which it also has synergistic effects.
Useful links:
Contraindication of Onion: For those who have sensitivity in the intestine, or problems with intestinal gas, the exaggerated consumption of onions can increase the formation of gases and cause gastrointestinal discomfort, especially if it is consumed raw.