The 15 Health Benefits of Coffee
The 15 Health Benefits of Coffee:
Benefits of Coffee as a Stimulant: Caffeineis the main component found in coffee . When consumed in a moderate way, in small doses, it plays an important stimulating action. Caffeine intake helps to decrease sleep and increase our energy. Therefore, drinking coffee in a moderate way helps to increase physical and mental disposition.
Benefits of Coffee to Improve Concentration: Due to the stimulating effect that caffeine has on our body, consuming coffee provides a significant improvement in our concentration and, consequently, in our ability to learn and pay attention.
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Improves Performance in Physical Activities: One of the main benefits of coffee is to improve performance in physical activities. Because , due to the stimulating action that caffeine has, drinking coffee helps us to have more courage and energy to practice physical activities.
Still in this context, one of the benefits of coffee is the stimulus it gives to the action of the muscles during the practice of prolonged physical exercises, causing them to start using stored fat as a way of obtaining energy, instead of using the obtained sugars. in carbohydrates.
Drinking coffee also helps to reduce the feeling of fatigue, improving physical performance and performance. Thus, after ingesting caffeine , there is an increase in muscle strength, and consequently we can increase the degree of load and repetitions in the execution of physical exercises.
Benefits of Coffee for Muscle Growth: Caffeine spares skeletal muscle glucose. The greater the amount of glucose in the muscles, the less fatigued it is, in addition to increasing and facilitating the entry of calcium into our muscle.
Benefits of Coffee To Lose Weight: According to studies, coffee intake contributes to the weight loss process. This is due to the presence of caffeine in the food, which plays a thermogenic action, leading to increased calorie expenditure. The substance also helps to burn fat.
Benefits of Coffee to Protect the Respiratory System: Among several studies carried out – including one from the Cochrane Database Review in 2010 – they showed that, among the many benefits of coffee , one of them is the bronchodilator effect that the drink has. This is very positive, especially for people who suffer from asthma, since coffee consumption prevents the disease. Coffee also contributes to the reduction of respiratory muscle fatigue.
Benefits of Coffee in Preventing Parkinson’s Disease: Consuming coffee is also effective in preventing Parkinson’s disease, according to some studies. In one of the experiments, men who consumed between 3 and 4 cups of coffee daily were analyzed. The result was that these men were five times less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease when compared to those who do not consume.
In another study, men who consumed one cup ( coffee ) of caffeine daily were 50% less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease. The consumption of decaffeinated coffee did not show any similar effect. The conclusion was that caffeine is largely responsible for the prevention of Parkinson’s disease.
Coffee Lowers the Risk of Depression: Several studies and researches have shown an inverse relationship between coffee consumption and the risk of suicide. However, there is no proven fact that this relationship is real, despite the inverse association. What is known is that the consumption of small doses of caffeine positively affects our mood. It is also known that acetic acid – widely present in coffee – provides an antidepressant effect, at least when administered to animals.
Benefits of Coffee in Cancer Prevention: Regular and moderate consumption of the drink also contributes to cancer prevention. This is due to the fact that coffee has antioxidant action, fighting free radicals responsible for the emergence of tumors.
Coffee Lowers the Risk of Death: A study published in the scientific journal New England Journal of Medicine, carried out with about 400,000 Americans, came to the conclusion that drinking coffee , in a moderate way, may be related to total mortality. People who drank coffee had lower mortality from heart disease, respiratory disease, diabetes, stroke, infectious diseases and external causes.
Coffee Reduces Risk of Memory Loss: Coffee improves memory. It has been shown to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in older people. This helps block the effects of a neurotransmitter called adenosine. Blocking the inhibitory effects of adenosine helps increase neuronal efficiency in the brain and they release neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine. It helps in improving mood and relieving stress.
Useful links:
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Benefits of Coffee in Preventing Cirrhosis: According to a survey carried out at the National University of Singapore with 63,000 individuals, consuming two or more cups of coffee daily contributes to reducing the risk of death from cirrhosis.