Ginkgo biloba – how to use it, benefits and side effects!

Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest trees in existence, to give you an idea, it was the first plant to sprout after the explosion of the Hiroshima bomb in Japan, and it can live over 1000 years. It is in the leaves that we find all its active power, in them the substance that is enormously good for health and memory is extracted. Despite being a tree of oriental origin, today it is present all over the world, including Brazil.

Its leaves contain two powerful antioxidants: flavonoids and terpenoids, both of which have the power to fight free radicals in the body and delay aging . Ginkgo biloba is highly sought after for being potent when it comes to improving blood circulation and increasing libido.

How to use ginkgo biloba?

The way to use ginkgo biloba  can vary according to the benefit you want to achieve and the brand of the laboratory that is producing the supplement. So, it is always best to read the instructions on the product box or ask for advice from a naturopath, for example.

However, the standard dosage of biloba extract can improve mental health is 120 to 240 mg, 1 to 3 times a day, with meals. This plant also has many other benefits related to circulatory, eye and heart health .

benefits of ginkgo biloba:

1. Rich in Vitamin E:

ginkgo biloba is extremely rich in Vitamin E and therefore prevents skin problems like scars, stretch marks , acne, blemishes and pimples. It replenishes the skin and keeps it healthy and fresh.

2. Strengthens energy:

Ginkgo biloba carries the  body. It is also used by those who have erectile dysfunction, lack of sexual desire and impotence issues. It increases libido in both men and women.

3. It has antioxidant property:

It improves oxygen absorption and cleanses the blood. This also prevents the blood from thickening and reduces the chances of blood clots forming. The herb regulates the flow of blood in the organs and parts of the body.

4. Helps in brain development:

In addition, this plant fights against Alzheimer’s disease , memory loss and other neural problems. It also improves memory, concentration and retention for children who are weak.

5. Helps in eye health:

Ginkgo biloba protects you from poor eyesight and air pollutants. It also prevents the onset of glaucoma, that is, very high blood pressure in the eyes.

6. Prevents cardiovascular problems:

Heart problems like high blood pressure , blockages, blood clotting, among others, can be treated with the help of this plant. In addition, it balances all cardiac functions, reduces capillary fragility and protects the heart from various other problems.

7. Treats Respiratory Disorders:

Bronchitis and asthma can be treated with ginkgo biloba . In addition to regular use, you can protect yourself from pollution and tobacco smoke with its help.

8. Prevent hair loss:

Ginkgo biloba  can significantly reduce hair loss and wear . It has proven to be beneficial for the various types of male pattern baldness. Used in combination with other herbal oils, this is a natural way to prevent hair problems.

9. Promotes hair growth:

Ginkgo biloba extracts  are used in hair oils and hair pastes to provide strong, long hair. It is also used in hair treatments to make hair healthy and shiny. It is used in combination with coconut oil, grape seed oil or jojoba oil .

Ginkgo biloba side effects:

The side effects of ginkgo biloba involve involve gastrointestinal disorders such as nausea, gastritis and headaches. Less frequently, dizziness , a drop in blood pressure or an increase in skin sensitivity may occur, causing skin reactions.

Contraindications of ginkgo biloba:

Ginkgo biloba is a very common food supplement, but not without its drawbacks. Its use requires some care, especially for those who take anticoagulant drugs, antiplatelet agents, diuretics, thrombolytics and acetylsalicylic acid-based drugs.

It should not be associated with garlic -based products or willow derivatives, as they risk and increase the potential for irritation of the gastric mucosa, typical of these other drugs.

The use of ginkgo biloba is not recommended in case of epilepsy , in pregnancy and during lactation. Not suitable for children. For more information about contraindications in case of problems, you should consult your doctor.

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