The 8 Main Symptoms of the Flu
The Main Symptoms of the Flu that many ignore. In addition, influenza is an acute infection of the upper respiratory tract caused by the influenza virus, which occurs in outbreaks and epidemics around the world, mainly during winter. So, check out The Top 8 Symptoms of the Flu:
Flu Symptoms: The list of the main flu signs and symptoms that will be covered in this article is as follows:
- High fever , above 38ºC.
- cough _
- Sore throat .
- Coryza and sinusitis .
- sneezing _
- Headache .
- Muscle pain.
- Fatigue and weakness.
- Loss of appetite .
- Vomiting and diarrhea (more common in babies).
Causes of Influenza: Influenza is caused by the influenza virus. Its symptoms usually appear suddenly, with fever, redness of the face, body aches and tiredness. Between the second and fourth days, body symptoms tend to decrease while respiratory symptoms increase, often with a dry cough.
News of the week:
Influenza Transmission: The Influenza virus is transmitted from one person to another through airborne particles (microdroplets) transmitted, for example, through sneezing, coughing, or a simple handshake. Therefore, the flu is a very contagious infectious disease. A poorly cured flu can lead to a bacterial superinfection, which requires antibiotic treatment, which represents a particularly critical situation for risk groups.
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Flu Treatment: There are still no medicines that have shown good results in fighting the flu and cold viruses. Therefore, treatment is aimed at relieving flu symptoms . The main symptomatic drugs used are analgesics and antipyretics, which relieve pain and fever.