Eliminate the “MILIUM” White Polka Dots on the Face Naturally!

Eliminate the “MILIUM” White Polka Dots on the Face Naturally. Also, if you have white bumps on your face, they’re called milium cysts , and they form when keratin gets stuck in the skin. You should be very careful with cosmetics that are rich in keratin or fat that gets lodged in the layers of the skin. We will teach you how to eliminate them. They can appear from using fatty products, genetics, having high cholesterol, excessive sun, never having exfoliated the area, smoking, etc.For people it is extremely unsightly, since even makeup coverage does not camouflage, and they emphasize the skin. Although milium cysts don’t usually itch or hurt, they tend to mar the beauty. So, check out How to Eliminate “MILIUM” White Polka Dots on Face Naturally.

Wash Your Face:  You have to take into account the importance of washing your face 2 times a day, in the morning and before going to bed, taking off your makeup well, and avoiding all kinds of products that have oil and can remain on the skin. To eliminate milio cysts it is advisable to apply a mask of fenugreek leaves , to prepare them to crush them with a little water and put this on your skin for fifteen minutes once a week.

Tea Tree Oil:  It is another effective remedy for milium cysts , it is anti-bacterial and helps to eliminate the fat accumulated between the layers of the skin.

Pomegranate:  It is an excellent fruit that will help you eliminate those white balls , for this remedy you must crush it, apply it on your face and let it act for 10 minutes.

Corn and Vinegar:  Mixing these products will also help to eliminate those white balls , add enough cornmeal to a teaspoon of vinegar to make a paste. Apply on the affected area and let it act for 20 to 30 minutes, then remove the mask with a damp cloth with warm water and then rinse the skin, you will see positive results after a few days.

Facial Sauna:  Soak a clean towel in warm water and drain excess water. Place the towel on your face for a few minutes and then remove it. Repeat a couple of times. Do this daily for a week or so. Alternatively, you can apply steam to the face for 10 to 15 minutes every day, until the condition improves, then apply apple oil or castor oil after this steam treatment.

Sugar Scrub:  Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and mix it with two tablespoons of granulated sugar and a teaspoon of olive oil, gently rub this mixture over the skin for a few minutes. Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse. Do this twice a week for a few months.

Honey:  Honey helps because of its antioxidant and moisturizing properties, it can also be combined with other ingredients. You just have to spread honey, preferably raw honey on your face, leave it on for 15 minutes every day until you see improvement.

Remember that all the natural and home remedies that we have named you act progressively, you have to be constant the first time you see improvement, but you will not miraculously remove the millennium.

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