The 11 Basic Tips for Having a Good Food
The 11 Basic Tips for Eating Good A healthy diet doesn’t necessarily mean eating foods that aren’t appetizing. Healthy eating habits can be seen as an opportunity to try different types of food. If the regular diet is following these basic guidelines, there is nothing wrong with occasionally eating richer foods.
Chew food well: Digestion begins in the mouth with the grinding of food and the action of salivation. Chewing should make the food pasty, facilitating the digestive process. When there is anxiety, the control of food intake is impaired and we often eat more. When we chew well, we are automatically working with anxiety and promoting physiological (true) satiety. So, don’t eat in less than 20 minutes each meal. So Chew your food well and one of the basic tips to have a good diet.
News of the week:
Meal times: Have time for your meals. It makes our body maintain a rhythm, with nutritional and hormonal stability. then establish a schedule and one of the main Basic Tips for Having a Good Food.
Eat every 3 hours: Our brain needs a constant supply of glucose (carbohydrate). The inconsistency in receiving this nutrient brings a reduction in our disposition, in addition to providing loss of muscle mass. In addition, eating every 3 hours, hunger and voracity are kept under control, preventing episodes of binge eating . Eating every 3 hours is one of the first Basic Tips for Having a Good Food.
Eat Five to Six Meals a Day: We can’t forget about all meals (breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and supper), which should be eaten every three hours. This practice forces us to eat less in each one, as there will be no long periods of fasting. Great snack options between main meals are dried fruits such as apricots, bananas, grapes, apples and pineapples and oilseeds such as walnuts, chestnuts, pistachios, almonds and hazelnuts. Try to have at least 6 meals a day is also part of the list of Basic Tips for Having a Good Food.
Include whole grains in the menu: There are several products that we consume daily that can be substituted for their wholegrain versions, such as wholegrain rice, bread and pasta. Cereals such as oats, quinoa, amaranth, rye and barley, can be part of some of our meals. They are rich in fibers that cause satiety, help control blood glucose and cholesterol levels, in addition to regularizing intestinal transit;
Consume fruits and vegetables: Eat vegetables, vegetables and fruits . They are great sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. It also contains phytochemicals (polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids, among others) which are excellent antioxidants (protectors of our cells)
Avoid fried foods in general: Whenever you choose a food, avoid fried foods. Opt for boiled, baked and grilled preparations, which have fewer oils and calories.
Reduce the Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages and Soft Drinks: When there is no time to prepare a natural fruit juice , opt for organic juices or iced teas. These options are more beneficial and refreshing than alcoholic beverages and soft drinks.
Look for Natural Foods: Follow a diet as natural as possible and try to avoid meals with many industrialized products. If you eat industrialized pasta, make your own homemade sauce. If you want to have a fruit juice , try to take the natural one, as industrialized foods contain many substances such as dyes and preservatives, which have high amounts of sodium and can, in the long run, cause hypertension and overload the kidneys. Preservatives and one of the main Basic Tips to have a good diet.
Avoid Ingestion of Liquids During Meals: This habit hinders the digestive process, which can cause gas and constipation. In addition, it makes it difficult to lose weight.
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