Alkaline diet to lose weight 4kg: How to do it, menu and tip
The Alkaline Diet To Lose Up To 4kg is very effective, and using this healthy eating plan you will lose weight with health .
Also, do you need to lose a few pounds, but find it difficult to diet because of the rush of everyday life?
Now that’s no longer a problem!
In addition, do you need to lose a few pounds, but find it difficult to diet because of the day to day rush?
Now that’s no longer a problem!
Check out the menu prepared by a nutritionist, with food suggestions for every meal of the day that can be prepared at home and taken in the lunch box wherever you need it.
Check out some tips below for you to stay firm on the Lunchbox Diet and get the body of your dreams.
What is the Alkaline Diet?: Some see it as a fad, others as a novelty, but the fact is that the Alkaline Diet is the way to achieve your aesthetic goals with safety and health, because it is an easy Diet to be inserted in the day. -to-day and produces results in a short time. In addition, the Alkaline Diet is based on studies that reveal that certain foods , when ingested together, have the power to alter the body’s acidity level, compromising the body’s health status in the long term.
How Do You Prevent This From Occurring?: Change is simple and fast, and when you realize it, the world around you changes. It is enough to make a life project with new habits and keep a closer look at food, in order to avoid blood acidification and reduce the risk of providing a favorable environment for the emergence of various diseases . It is necessary to foresee, maintain and revitalize emotional balance and intelligence so that health is kept up to date. However, we also need to be clear how much this depends exclusively on us to succeed.
The way we live life, from food to our behavior in the face of problems, and what determines our health and appearance. Excess weight creates an environment conducive to the proliferation of diseases such as high blood pressure, tiredness, fluid retention, etc. Just to give you an idea, cancer, kidney stones and high cholesterol are proven diseases that arise from blood acidity. That’s why it’s so important to take care of weight in relation to height. In other words, the alkaline diet works as a type of natural remedy to help regulate acidity, which automatically reduces weight.
What are Acid and Alkaline Foods: For chemists, foods with excess acidity are positively charged and foods with excess alkalinity are those with too much negative charge. The pH is the unit of measurement for the negative or positive charge of a given solution, ranging from 0 to 14.
But isn’t it a health risk to have a diet that messes with just that?: It really can be different, but not risky, because to adjust the body and its functions to a healthier life, some changes are needed that may seem more complicated than others . Having a more alkaline diet provides significant weight loss , especially as it balances acidity and improves health . In short, this happens because there is an improvement in the quality of life of the cells. The quality of life of a cell is directly related to the pH of the blood. The ideal pH for the cell to live well in the blood it is immersed in is between 7.36 and 7.42.
How to Organize the Alkaline Diet: In the simplest and most direct way possible because it is very easy to do. Just eat a reasonable amount of dark green leaves, light greens and fruits. But no lettuce or two on the plate, eh? Many people, when making their own dish, eat a leaf or two of greens, a lot of meat and chips, chicken fingers and pasta, and say, “but I had a salad …” Only that’s not the amount of yours. body needs.
Always remember this, because from now on you will have to do just the opposite. That is, in the main meals, everything that comes from the earth, such as fruits, vegetables and vegetables is healthy and should be ingested without fear. This automatically the fiber content, so necessary for our body. And don’t forget water , which is essential to prevent and treat existing diseases .
Alkaline Diet and Weight Loss: Even without the direct purpose of a stupendous short-term weight loss (which is not healthy), the alkaline diet brings, among other things, numerous benefits, the glow of the skin , the improvement digestion and body functions, as well as lots of energy. That is, the alkaline diet brings well-being and at the same time considerable weight loss , seen as normal within medical standards. Isn’t it wonderful?!
Tip: always eat with conscience. For every acidic food, eat two alkaline foods . Never fail to consult and follow your doctor’s advice.
In fact, experts say that not only does it help with weight loss , it also decreases the chance of getting heart disease, reduces insomnia , improves mood and leaves hair , nails and teeth stronger.
Is the Alkaline Diet Really Worth It?: Of course it is! And do you know why? Our western lifestyle often leads us to make mistakes, especially in food without nutritional and acidifying value, which results in weight gain over time. Therefore:
- No eating in a hurry.
- The lack of proper absorption in digestion brings many difficulties.
- The goal is not only to make you leaner, but also healthier and more efficient.
And what is an Efficient or Non-Efficient Body?: An efficient body and a well-nourished body, ready to respond to the demands of everyday life. Example: when the body is not well, organic symptoms appear, demonstrating that something is not working as it should, and with them, signs such as pain, flatulence, poor digestion, heartburn, etc. already in a healthy and efficient body, these “Nisomes” do not appear often. Another practice that can trigger organic problems and at the same time introduce different foods into your diet , without giving the body time to recognize or appreciate them.
This acidifies further digestion in the stomach , which makes it difficult for the enzymes to fulfill the nutritional properties of the food . Worse still, if the intestine has problems, which only get worse with acidic foods, producing a favorable environment for other diseases such as: intolerance, allergies, bad breath, chronic fatigue, paleness, inflamed gums, joint pain, etc.
What is PH?: It is an index that indicates the acidity, neutrality or alkalinity of any medium, such as our stomach , for example. The pH (hydrographic potency or ionic hydrographic potential) is an indicator, within a scale of 0 to 14, for the acidity potential of a substance. The more acidic it will be.
- Human saliva: from 6.5 to 7.4
- Vinegar: 2.9
- water : 7
- Chlorine: 12.5
That is, on the acidity scale, a PH below 7 indicates an acidic PH, above 7 indicates a substance with a less acidic PH. The substance with PH is called neutral or basic.
How to Avoid Acidic PH?: pH is the amount of hydrogen ions that exist in a solution (like saliva, for example). To identify this amount, colors are used (in Graphs) according to the character and degree of acidity of each substance. However, it is worth remembering that the PH can change according to the temperature and composition of each substance (concentration of acids, salts, metals, etc.
What is an Acid Substance?: Any substance that has an acidity value from 0 to 7 is considered acidic / It is considered alkaline or basically the one that has a value from 7 to 14 / It is considered balanced when the PH is 7, keep a constant.
How to Avoid Acid PH?: It is avoided through diet: changing eating habits and starting to eat more alkaline foods – vegetables, fruits with little sugar, etc. It is also worth remembering that the PH inside the stomach is more or less between 1.5 and 2, that is, very strong. This is because there is the presence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which aids digestion.
Why is it Important to Know What is the PH of the Blood?: Because the relationship of the PH of the blood with health indicates the organic predisposition for the emergence of diseases , even the best way to feed. The blood pH value should always be 7.4, below this value, there is a favorable environment for the emergence of diseases, that is, a favorable environment is created for the development of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Hence the importance of keeping this rate in balance in your body. This is possible with the correct diet is the alkaline diet.
What and How Does the Alkaline Diet Work?: For the alkaline diet, foods eaten at the same time, that is, in the same dish, can change the acidity of the body. And this change leads to a deterioration of the general state of health as a whole in the long term. Therefore, it is considered so important to help the organism not to acidify the blood even more , seeking to reduce the eminent riches to our health. With excess weight, some problems also end up occurring such as fluid retention, hypertension, swelling, lack of anima, etc. that is, these problems find a favorable environment, ending up taking over the organism. This is where the alkaline diet comes in, as a “protection” for this organism.
For the body to make the most of this diet, it is important to eat 70% to 80% alkaline foods and 20% to 30% acidic foods. When first contacted with the diet, you will realize that it is very similar to the vegetarian, because it does not have meat, avoids carbohydrates and gives preference to a natural diet. But it is different from the vegetarian diet because it accepts some fish, which makes it even tastier.
But what can you really eat? The alkaline menu is based especially on foods that help to raise the PH of the blood , as we mentioned earlier. Know them already to eliminate great relatives of juices worries.
- So, for starters, we have the vegetables. Try starting with vegetables that can be eaten raw, such as leafy greens, cucumbers , celery, cauliflower , etc.
- Then we have the fruits with little sugar or low glycemic value, which are citrus. Pear, apple , strawberry , cherry, lemon , tangerine, orange , plum etc.
- Finally we have legumes and grains with beans , almonds , chickpeas, tubers etc.
- Speaking of FISH, those allowed are trout, bass, tuna and salmon.
Now know the 10 foods that should be banned from your table, which may only appear from time to time, because they cause stomach acid.
- White sugar or sugary drinks
- Carne
- Mushroom
- seafood tomato
- peanuts and walnuts
- white rice
- eggs and milk
- Alcohol
- coffee , tea
- Cheese
Clear Benefits of the Alkaline Diet: For all we’ve already discussed, the alkaline diet is a passport to beauty and health . Following it is part of a series of habits that provide luminosity to the skin and improve mood, in addition to promoting a slimmer body and significantly reducing stomach ailments.
Internally, the diet brings stability and promotes vitamins and amino acids; helps to avoid alcohol and encourages a sport activity. All this is wonderful, because the healthier the stomach, the more it will defend itself from pain, ailments, allergies, etc. Let’s get to know acidic and alkaline and acidic foods. As the name implies, acidic foods are those that are characterized by excess acidity. Among them are:
- Acidifiers: Meat (animal protein), fish, chicken, etc., cheese , corn oil, rolls, flour, carbonated drinks, white bread, coffee and alcohol.
- Medium acidifiers: beans , peanuts, fresh cheese , chickpeas, lentils, cashews and pistachios.
- Alkalizing: These are almost always green, such as broccoli , lettuce , kale , spinach , potatoes , sweet potatoes, beets . Fruits and cereals like: avocado , papaya , banana , watermelon , mango , quinoa, rye, wheat etc. Finally, fresh herbs, vegetable oils, mineral water , etc.