Top 20 Pregnancy Symptoms!

The main pregnancy symptoms you need to know. In addition, the first symptoms of pregnancy are the main warning signs that serve to encourage women to take a pregnancy test, be it the drug test or the blood test for beta-hCG. Most women turn to home pregnancy tests when they suspect they are pregnant, but some of these tests, in addition to being unreliable, can also be harmful.

The sooner a woman knows she is pregnant, the sooner she can start prenatal care. In this way, she can soon take steps that are beneficial to the fetus, such as improving her diet, controlling blood glucose, using supplements such as iron and folic acid, promptly treating infections, monitoring blood pressure, and avoiding alcohol consumption.

It is important to note that the signs and symptoms of pregnancy are not the same for all women. Furthermore, the same mother can have symptoms in the second pregnancy that are completely different from those in the first.

And even when these Pregnancy Symptoms recur, they can vary in intensity, frequency, time of onset, and duration. Now, check out the Top 20  Pregnancy Symptoms in detail.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy in the first few days?

Early Pregnancy Symptoms are more than a forgotten period. They can also include morning sickness, sensitivity to smell, and fatigue.

How do I know if I’m one week pregnant?

Some early Pregnancy Symptoms you may notice up to week 2 that indicate you are pregnant include:

  • a missed period;
  • Bad mood;
  • sensitive and swollen breasts;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • increased urination;
  • fatigue;

How do I know if I’m pregnant?

The most common early pregnancy signs and symptoms which may include:

  • Lost period. If you are of childbearing age and a week or more has gone by without the start of an expected menstrual cycle, you may be pregnant;
  • Swollen and sensitive breasts;
  • Nausea with or without vomiting;
  • Increased urination;
  • Fatigue;

What is cramping like in early pregnancy?

Cramping In early pregnancy, you will likely experience mild to moderate cramping in your lower abdomen or lower back as your uterus will begin to grow.

The main symptoms of pregnancy:

1. Delay of menstruation:

Late menstruation is the well-known Pregnancy Symptoms . Sometimes the mild cramping and spotting seen at the time of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus can be mistaken for a menstrual period. Women whose menstrual cycles are irregular may also not immediately notice the absence of a missed period.

2. Vaginal discharge:

Some women may notice thick, milky discharge from the vagina early in pregnancy. This occurs in the first few weeks of pregnancy, as the vaginal walls thicken.

This discharge can occur during pregnancy. If there is an unpleasant odor associated with the discharge, or if it is associated with burning and itching, this is a sign of a yeast or bacterial infection .

3. Breast changes:

Another very common Pregnancy Symptoms are changes in the breasts from the first weeks of pregnancy. These changes may be felt as pain, tenderness, a feeling of heaviness, fullness, or a tingling sensation.

4. Fatigue:

Although these Pregnancy Symptoms are very non-specific and can be related to a number of factors, expectant mothers often describe feelings of fatigue from the first few weeks of pregnancy.

5. Mood swings:

It’s common to have mood swings during pregnancy, in part because of hormonal changes that affect neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain). Everyone responds differently to these changes. Some pregnant women experience intense emotions, both good and bad, while others feel more depressed or anxious.

6. Abdominal swelling:

Hormonal changes early on is another Pregnancy Symptom that can make you feel bloated, similar to the feeling some women have before their period. That’s why your clothes may feel more comfortable than usual around the waist, even at first, when your uterus is still very small.

7. Frequent urination:

Shortly after becoming pregnant, hormonal changes trigger a series of events that increase the rate of blood flow through the kidneys. This makes your bladder fill more quickly, so you need to pee more often.

8. Headaches:

Headaches, too, can be related to changing hormone levels and can occur during pregnancy.

9. Shortness of breath:

The increased demand for oxygen by the body (to support a growing fetus) can make some women short of breath , although this Pregnancy Symptom is more common in the later stages of pregnancy.

Other possible symptoms of a possible pregnancy:

  • Low back pain ;
  • Cravings for strange foods;
  • light bleeding;
  • nausea ;
  • High body temperature;
  • Excessive weight gain or loss;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Bloating and constipation;
  • heartburn .

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